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How can I find an old indexing file?

Level 4

After mailarchive migration to another server, lose a user original indexing. He kan not open old archieved mails. I want to find his old indexing file, but I don't know how, because indexing files names also changed. But in backup I can find old indexing files. Is there a way to find user's indexing file?


Level 4

Hi Bukle

Can you explain a bit more on "After mailarchive migration to another server" ? Have you moved enterptise vault to a new hardware ? Is the vault store partition local to the new server? What about indexing location?

How is the user retrieving items? Can the user open archived items through outlook shortcuts? If the cannot, are there any errors logged on the EV server?

If you can provide more information on the errors and how the migration was done then we can help you.


Going back to your question on how to find the user's index. If you open the Enterprise Vault admin console, navigate to Archives, select the user's archive, right-click the archive and select Properties, select the Advanced tab, copy the archive id  in Archive ID section. The archive ID is the name of the index folder for the user. You can use the archive id you copied to go and find the index folder for the user on the old server.


Level 4

We moved Enterprise vault to another domain. Indexing replaced in a file with UNC path. User has oultook 2000. He can see the achived emails, but if he wants to open one of them he gets error GenonlineAttachmentsfilesize 0x000420C8. I controled his index, it is empty. That's why he gets this error. During the migration something went wront and his mailarchive didn't replace in the new file.

My problem is, is there any way to find his old indexing file in a backup? I can find the new indexing file. it is nog the problem. I have to find his old indexing file. indexing files are with nummbers and some letters. have can I make sure that one of them was his old indexing?

If it is still not clear, please let me know.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What version of EV are you?

To find the name of what his Index should be right click his archive and choose Properties, click the Advanced tab.  The index name will the same as the Archive ID.

To rebuild the index:

You should be able to right click his archive and choose Properties, click the Index tab, right click the Index in the list and choose rebuild.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Outlook 2000?! really?

to be honest though, indexing shouldn't affect recalling items through shortcuts at all

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I agree JW2, it sounds like either the archived items where deleted or the Vault Store partition wasn't migrated properly.

I focused in on the last bit.  :)