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Index problem - search request refused

Level 3

Well, I'm setting up a new SEV server and I've archived my own mailbox and about 250 mailboxes of disabled accounts, in addition to a test file folder.


Everything archives fine and the indexes for everything went great *except* for my own mailbox, and maybe that's because mine was the first one, and I'd previously archived my mailbox with a previous install of SEV (that server was removed and I started from scratch this time around).


I've rebuilt the index numerous times, disabled my mailbox, delete the archive, re-enabled, had it archive everything again just fine, made sure it ran the index build, and I get the same problem each time.


Using the IndexCheck.EXE program with "-c stats", verbose logging and levels, it always comes down to this problem:


...<skipping some previous log lines>...

Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_search_genrank: success, docsFound:0, docsReturned:0, search handle:3f7b008
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_getsearchresults: handle:3f7b008, resultNum:0
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_getsearchresults: warning: bad resultNum
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) APPLICATION: avs_status 26: Calling avs_getsearchresults
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_search_close: handle:3f7b008
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_search_close: success
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_close: handle:3f611a0
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_close: success
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_errmsg: status:26
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_errmsg: success, invalid result no. specified
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_errmsg: status:26
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) avs_errmsg: success, invalid result no. specified
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) APPLICATION: Exception: avs status 26 invalid result no. specified @ Calling avs_getsearchresults
Sun Sep 14 23:39:18.723 2008 (thread:4596) APPLICATION: Found error while doing check 'Stats' on index E:\Vault\Indexing\

It's that "avs_getsearchresults" call that always returns an error 26, and I've looked high and low for any clue why the AltaVista search engine might return that, but to no's a mystery.


When I disabled/re-enabled my mailbox, it generated a new Index ID folder, and it has the most basic set of files in there (a small "dataset" file, "checksum.dat", etc) only totaling 4.7 KB, despite it having archived at least 150-200 KB of stuff (similar sized archived mailboxes have index directories with 40-50 KB).


So it seems like it's not actually indexing at all, and I know that if an index has problems, it'll always report it as insufficient permissions, which is really annoying if it's not really a permission issue (it's not in this case, I've quadruple checked).


Does it make any different that my mailbox is for my account which has domain admin rights, Exchange admin rights, etc?  Or anything else funky about the account of a enterprise/domain/Exchange admin that would prevent the vault service account from properly indexing things (even though it had no problems archiving my mailbox)?


I'm really worried about this since I'll eventually need to roll this out to our active users, but there's no chance I'll do that since I'm having problems getting my own to work properly.  At least it only affects being able to search my archive using the website... I was still about to bring up my archived items through Outlook which is how most of our users would use it, but still, if it's not working totally as expected, it's going to be a hard sell...


Any advice before I open a support ticket with Symantec and go through that whole ordeal?


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified



Did you sort this out yet?




cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4
Partner Certified
I guess I have questions.  Do you have the appropriate rights setup in Exchange for the Vault Service account to access the mailboxes?   What is the error you receive when it tries to archive your mailbox?   If you can provide a little more information that would be helpful, so we can help you.  :)

Level 3

The vault service account has the correct Exchange permissions.


The problem I see is that it can archive my mailbox just fine, no problems there.  It's only when I try to access my archive from the EV web interface that I have problems.


The index for my mailbox is basically empty (the files are small), so I'd guess it's a problem with indexing my vault, not with the actual archiving process.


If I look in Outlook, I can access my archived mail items just fine, so there's no problem there.


Also, mine is the only mailbox that's not being indexed... I have a couple hundred mailboxes archived (for disabled accounts), and the indices for them all seemed to generate okay, and if I give myself Vault permissions to them, I can search those okay from the web interface.


Indexing didn't seem to generate any errors about my mailbox... I've even deleted my mailbox vault, de-provisioned my mailbox for archiving, let that all sit for a day or two, then re-enabled it for archiving.  It created a new vault just fine, re-archived the same items as before, but still no index and I got the error about a failed request when trying to search my archive from the website.


I'm going to try archiving the mailbox of another active domain admin to see if it's particular to that, or spot any other similarities in the outcome.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified



That's a rather strange issue.

So you're saying you have got Domain Admin permissions?


What is your Indexing Status if you go to the VAC ->  Archives -> Exchange Mailbox -> <your archive> -> Index Volumes?




cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.