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Indexing levels - examples?

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hello all,

I'm trying to explain the different levels of indexing and the pro's of using 'full' instead of 'medium'.

I know there is a document somewhere that has some examples (have seen it a few months ago), but I cannot locate it anymore. The information provided in the pdf-files, kb-articles and in several forum-entries do not really help.

Does anyone know if there is a document describing the differences more in-depth, and preferably gives some examples what searches can be done using the different levels?



Regards. Gertjan

Accepted Solutions

Level 6

In medium, if you want to search for "I want to search for this" then you can still do it but you need to replace the spaces with a character such as . or ? for example which then turns the phrase into a single text string. In full you can set the search to search type to phrase and it will just do it without having to use the special characters as it searches for the phrase...

View solution in original post


Level 6

From the help file (using the help button on the advanced tab of an Archive in the VAC):


Use Brief, Medium, or Full to specify how detailed an index Enterprise Vault is to create. The more detailed the index, the more complex the searches that are possible using that index. However, more detail also makes the indexes larger, so you have to balance the index size against the amount and type of searching that you expect users to do.

Brief. The index created by Enterprise Vault enables searches on the following attributes of each item: Author, Subject, Recipient, Created Date, Expiry Date, File Extension, Retention Category, and Original Location. If a search matches an attachment to an item, the search result contains both the main item and the attachment.

Medium. As for Brief, and in addition enables searches on the content of each item, excluding phrase searches.

Full. As for Medium, and in addition enables searches for phrases in the content.


Beyond that, there's not really a lot to add other than CA and/or DA targets should really be set to full

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Thanks Nick,

I need to 'prove' that phrase search for instance works in full and not in medium.

Call me stupid (humble bow), but what is considered a phrase search?

Just typing a line you know should be in an archived mail somewhere? Using ""? Using AND and OR (or + and - )?


Regards. Gertjan

Level 6

In medium, if you want to search for "I want to search for this" then you can still do it but you need to replace the spaces with a character such as . or ? for example which then turns the phrase into a single text string. In full you can set the search to search type to phrase and it will just do it without having to use the special characters as it searches for the phrase...

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

That was what I figured too.

Regards. Gertjan