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Is there a way with FSAUtility to only restore files that currently have placeholders?

Level 6
We are in need of running Vontu to scan our file servers so we need to restore items from the vault that have placeholders, but we only want to restore items that have placeholders. The way I see it now if you run the FSAUtility to restore original items it restores all items archived. The problem there is if a user has 500 items that have been archived and deleted after archived but not expired as of yet all 500 will be restored by FSAUtility!! Let me know if anyone knows a way to run the tool to only restore the items that are still on the files server as a placeholder..


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Unfortunately this is not possible as how the tool works is to restore items that you ask it to. It does not take whether there is a placeholder there or not into consideration.

The way you could do this is to scan your location with anti virus as what this will do is force a recall of the file. This was one method that had to be used before we had the FSAUTILITY tool.

Onother way was to use windows search and search tape backup option. What you need to bear in mind though is that these items will get returned back to placeholders on the next archiving run. To stop this happening you need to implement the RevertItemsToPlaceholders registry key and give it a value of 0

Also you need to ensure that the BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins registry key is also set with a value of 1

Level 6

Unfortunately this is not possible as how the tool works is to restore items that you ask it to. It does not take whether there is a placeholder there or not into consideration.

The way you could do this is to scan your location with anti virus as what this will do is force a recall of the file. This was one method that had to be used before we had the FSAUTILITY tool.

Onother way was to use windows search and search tape backup option. What you need to bear in mind though is that these items will get returned back to placeholders on the next archiving run. To stop this happening you need to implement the RevertItemsToPlaceholders registry key and give it a value of 0

Also you need to ensure that the BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins registry key is also set with a value of 1

EV Backline Technical Support Engineer
APJ Region

Thanks for the info Paul, I will have to try that. The archive task is not running while the Vontu project is in place so we wont have to worry about it putting the placeholders back right away.

Level 6
Ok so here is what I am seeing. When I run the search against the archived items and select the search tape backup option I dont have any items recall and when I run virus scan only certain items will recall but not all by far, I have adjusted the reg to BypassRecallLimitsforAdmins. Is there anything that I am missing?

Level 6
Ok so here is another twist, I ran another Virus scan on the file server and there was once again placeholders. Only now for most of them I can open them and the original item opens, but the place holder is not replaced with the original item.. hmmmm
