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Journal task stops after 4-5 minutes

Level 2

We installed EVSP3 on a Windows 2003 Server and we get errors 3305 and 2258 which make me think that the ev service account does not have the right permissions but I checked all permissions on the EV server, Exchange (inmcluding send as / receive as) and local admin permissions and everything seems to be OK.

The Exchange version is Xchange 2000 SP3 and running on Windows 2000 server SP4.

EV is running on a Windows 2003 SP1 environment.

The errors we get are listed below.

Thanks in advance,

Jose Luis Perez

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Journal Task
Event ID: 3305
Date: 11/23/2006
Time: 1:27:06 PM
User: N/A
The Task 'Journal Task for EMAILMTYSSC' failed to log on to Exchange server 'EMAILMTYSSC' using mailbox 'EnterpriseVault(EMAILMTYSSC)'. Please ensure that the server is running and that the Vault account has sufficient permissions on the server.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Journal Task
Event ID: 2258
Date: 11/23/2006
Time: 1:27:06 PM
User: N/A
The Journal Task 'Journal Task for EMAILMTYSSC' could not be started due to startup errors.

Level 6
It still sorta sounds like a perms problem. Here's a thought, did you check everything down to the mailstore level? If so, try changing the system mailbox used by the task to the VSA's (if it's on the same exchsrvr). you shouldn't keep it this way, but if it works, you can sorta get a better read on the problem at hand.

Also, dtrace the journal process. There's prolly a procedure call that's failing getting in the way. Seeing what it is would help.


Level 3
Hi Jose,

Have you tried to use the VSA account on the journal task under the logon tab just to determain instead of the system mailbox that is created automatically just to determain if it is rights issue

This is not an option but just a test if this works try giving the system mailbox that is created the same rights as the VSA

Level 2
Thanks (Micah, Terence),

I�ll try the VSA account to start this task next Monday and see what happens. I�ll let ypu know.

One thing I�ve been thinking of is... Is it possible that Exchange has not synchronized the permissions given to the EV services account yet? I so, Do you know how can I force Exchange to replicate all those changes without rebooting the Exchange server?


Jose Luis

Level 6
it's highly unlikely that it hasn't sync'd by now...I mean, it's been days. :) More likely you've got a non-inheritence at the mailstore level that you've missed.


Level 2

All permissions are OK and we got the same error using the VSA account for the task. I guess the problem is related to the disparity between the Exchange System Manager and the Exchange version.

On one hand we have Win2k with Exchange 2000 SP3 and on the other hand we have EV installed on a Win2k3 server with System Manager 2003. We found that from the System manager 2003 tools all the mailbox stores (except one) show up as dismounted (but they are working. If we browse the Mailbox Stores from the System Manager 2000 at the Exchange server all Mailbox stores are up and running.

One thing you should know (I was not told before... Sorry) is that when installing the Exchange System Manager 2003 on the EV Server a message message showed up: The schema is not ready to use Exchange 2003 and we wont get the System Managers full functionallity unless we run setup /forestprep before.

We tried downgrading to System Manager 2000 on the Win2003/EV server but we get some warnings from MS regarding version incompatibilities and 2 mailbox stores still appear to be dismounted (but this time the rest seem to be mounted.

I�m sure we missed some prerequisites for this mixed-version environment. Any idea on how to work this around?


Jose Luis

Level 2
At the Windows 2003 Server you should use the Exchange 2003 systems Manager, and make sure you update it to SP3 after the installation. The system manager should have no problem with the Exchange Server running Exchange 2000.

Remember, you are only installing the Systems Manager tools, not the complete server.

Have you installed a MAPI client on the Enterprise Vault server? Make sure you have access (via a profile) from the server to the mailbox used for journaling.

Finally, review the permissions of the EVault service account over the Journaling Mailbox. It should have full permisions, because you will read the messages and delete them latter.

Level 2
The best way to find out if this is an issue with permissions is to create a new Vault service account, assign the permissions as described in the Installing and Configuring guide for Vault, search for The Vault Service account.

Try starting the Journal task with the new VSA and it should work.

Then you have 2 choices:

1. Try and find out what the difference is between the original and the new accounts
(GPO, permissions, group memberships etc etc)
If you can find the difference you should be able to resolve the issue.

2. Forget about the original account and change everything to suit the new account (SQL DB rights, account used to start services, etc etc)
and try and keep a track on any changes to policies within the domain or a better control on who is changing accounts or their permissions.

I had the same issue, it was caused by a new service provider messing around with policies and not understanding what they were doing.

Good luck