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Limiting partition sizes

Level 5
I'm running EV 6, SP3. All partitions are on NTFS storage. Is there a way for EV to limit the size of a partion, and close the old one and open a new one? Or, get EV to post a message in the Event Log when it hits a certain size? If I neglect to check the sizes manually, they can get very large, and then the backup guys get their undies in a bunch.
Thank you.

Level 6
Not currently in this version. I think version 7 will have some of that functionality, but at this time, 6.0 is still a manual process. I usually advocate closing/opening a new partition at least quarterly. It's a good administrative point in time to take advantage of those storage efficiencies gained by partitioning.


Level 4
I don't think EV has anything built-in that will do this but I think you could accomplish the same goal by writing a VB query that does a nightly size check on the drive(s) then generates an email to you if the size is over a threshold you define. If you go to the site and search for the Scripting Center you can find some VB samples, I know there is one up there that calculates free space, used space, etc; all you'd have to do would be to edit it to point to your partition drive, add the instruction to send email with size info, incorporate it into a batchfile and then schedule it as a Windows scheduled task. Sounds like a lot of work but the VB samples I've gotten from there are very good so it shouldn't take too long to tailor it to your needs.

Your batchfile would look something like this:

cd c:\
c:\temp\indexstats.vbs <--change filename and path to whatever/wherever you save your vb script


The only reason I am saying to call the VB script with a batchfile is I have a hard time getting VB Scripts to run via Windows schedule reliably.

Like I said, sounds like a lot of work, but it's not too bad. I've used the MS sample VB scripts to run on-demand directory info for partition sizes and it only took a few minutes to alter them to fit my environment. Adding the email component and automating it shouldn't be too bad. Just make sure you are picking a VB script that does queries and not changes... test your script very well before taking it live... one little change in the syntax and it could get ugly!

Level 6
Or just use MOM.


Level 4
Yeah, I forgot about MOM ('cause we don't use it where I work). If you're already using any reporting tools like BindView (didn't Symantec buy them too? cause that's what we use) you can also run a scheduled report out of that reporting tool's repository. Or if there's nothing else on the drive itself you can set the Windows Alerts, too.

Level 5
Never thought of MOM. Thank you all for your help.