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Moved Folders Not Getting Archived

Level 4

When i Create a New Folder in my inbox and run the mail archival taks the emails get archived as per policy, But when i move a folder to inbox  (from other PST or Other Root Folders) the mails in the folder dosent get archived.

Please help


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
What is your policy set to:
number of days to archive after?
modified / received date?

Using outlook spy can you verify the dates and see that the copy is not creating a new message, apposed to moving which I expect is happening.

Also run an archive run with dtrace on.

Level 4
My policy is set to archive after 2 Days after Modified date, The Inbox Folders gets archived as desired. but the Sub Folders in inbox which were moved from other PST Files dont get archived.

Level 6

What version of EV was running whtn the data was migrated from PSt
What version of EV are you running now.

What happens if before you move the folder you put an email in there and get it archived by background archiving and then move that folder under inbox, do then subsequent itens in the sub folder get archived?


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Also, if you can see the Enterprise Vault tab on the properties of that folder is it set to inherit the Parent Folder settings?

If you can't see this on the client open the mailbox on the EV server and you should see it there.

Level 4
i not able to see the Enterprise Vault tab on both the Client and on the EV Server???

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
There is a policy setting to show the tab. 

What version are you?

In EV 2007  in is in the Adv. section of the mbx policy, it is called Folder Properites visible.

Controls whether folder properties show the Enterprise Vault property tab.

Also, check Outlook Add-In behavior and make sure it isn't set to On

For EV 8 these should be in the Desktop policy.


Level 4
i use EV 8 and the Vaule is Set to "show tab" on the Desktop Policy >> Advanced>>>>Outlook

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
what about Outlook Add-In behavior?

Controls whether the Outlook Add-In behaves in exactly the same manner as the HTTP-Only Outlook Add-In. This can be useful if you want all users to have exactly the same functionality.

The only differences in functionality are that the HTTP-Only Outlook Add-In does not provide access to the Enterprise Vault properties of items or folders and that it is not possible to specify the destination archive and retention category when performing a manual archive.

Supported values
Normal. Outlook Add-In behavior is unchanged.

HTTP-only (default). The Outlook Add-In behaves in exactly the same way as the HTTP-Only Outlook Add-In.

If you decide to set Outlook Add-In behavior to HTTP-only, and your existing policies allow users to change Enterprise Vault folder settings, you may want to run Policy Manager to return all folders to your site settings. See the Utilities Guide for more information on Policy Manager

Level 4
Ok think i got that.

The Subfolders which were moved shows that "Do Not Archive: being Set

and the Subfolders that were created new shows :Inhertied from Inbox"  Why is that???

And i get one more error, It says that "You dont have write Permissions to the Archive"

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I have an idea....

Run this evpm script against the mailox in question:

directorycomputername = DirectoryComputer
sitename = SiteName

distinguishedname = /o=VAULTXLAB/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=user

name = mailboxroot
filtername = systemdefault
OverrideArchiveLocks = true

This should set the Do Not Archive to use the policy assigned from the Admin console.

Level 4
oops i tried that but still it says the Folder are in Do not Archive Mode

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Was outlook closed when you ran EVPM?  I wonder if it was a refresh issue.

another idea would be to run a zap and then re-enable the mailbox

DirectoryComputerName = Vaultserverthathostsdirectoryservice
Sitename = sitenamefromadminconsole

DistinguishedName = /o=organization/ou=mailboxou/cn=Recipients/cn=mailboxcname

Name = Mailboxroot
Zap = True

Level 4
Yes outlook was closed and even tried ZAP and re-enabling the Mailbox still the Folders are in donot archive state.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Can you manually change it to use the parent folder settings?

It might be worth while to engage support as well.


Level 4
Yes i Can chnage the Settings Manually.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
I have never seen anything like this before.  Also you mention you get "You don't have write Permissions to the Archive" well, thats plain ans simple, you do not have correct perms on that archive that you are trying to archive to.

So, please like I asked on the first reply post a snippet of dtrace, and kick off an manual archive agains that user.
