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Moving from domain to domain in EV

Level 4
Partner Certified
I wanted to get a feel for anyone that has possible done this.  I have an environment that is going away (NT4 Domain).  We have an EV server there and we need to "migrate" it over to a 2003 forest.   Thinking I can just USL it to a new server in that domain.  Are there any gotcha's on this?  Any suggestions?

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Thanks for the update, this will help other people for sure!

As for the Key, could you try the followin (if you're comfortable with this):

- Open up SQL Management Studio / Enterprise Manager
- Go to the DB: EnterpriseVaultDirectory
- Go to the Table: SiteEntry
- Open the Table
- Copy the "SiteEntryId" value of your site

- Now, open up regedit
- Go to the Mentioned Key:
    HKLM\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault
    Edit the "SiteID" Regkey
    Add the "SiteID" Regkey as "String Value"
    and add the copied SiteEntryID there.

This should fix this problem.


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Have you got a solution for this?


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4
Partner Certified
I received a few suggestions.  One was from Alex of support with some steps on what to do.  (Posted below).   
However, for now, we just changed the service account to an account in the AD Forest, making sure all local rights were set (File system and SQL) and then we moved the server to the new forest.  We were successfully with this move.  However, DA still has an outstanding issue that I have an open case with Symantec on.  I am still waiting to see what they say about it. 
Here is the error we are getting in DA:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Web Application (WP)
Event ID: 5194
Date:  11/29/2007
Time:  7:03:06 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: USMECAS0010309
Failed to read the following registry key:
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Here are the steps that support gave me for the domain move below:

1. Install the pre-requisites for the new Server

- Internet Information Services with ASP and ASP.NET

- MSMQ without AD Integration

- Exchange System Manager 2003 SP2

- Outlook 2003 SP2 with CDO

- Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 but NOT 3.0

- Make the EVAdmin a Local Administrator

2. Install the SQL Server 2000 or 2005 to at least a Standard level

3. Move the Indexes and DVS files from the Old Server to the New server

4. Install the same version of Enterprise Vault as is on the old server -- do not run the configuration

5. Add entries to the hosts file and add entries for the old server name pointing at the new IP Address

Do this for NetBios and FQDN so that all calls to the old server will go to the new server


- myOldServer


6. Open up SQL Enterprise Manager or SQL 2005 Management studio

7. Open up the EnterpriseVaultDirectory Database

8. Open up the ArchiveRetrievalTask Table

9. Change the 'MessageQueue' column to reflect the new server name

(ie 'MyOldServer\Private$...' to 'MyNewServer\Private$)

10. Open up the ComputerEntry table

11. Change 'ComputerName' column to the ALIAS (CNAME) created for the server in the DNS from the old alias to the new alias name

12. Change 'ComputerAlternate' column to the NetBIOS name of the new server

(ie MyOldServer to MyNewServer)

13. Make sure 'ComputerRootPath' column is the correct install,

ie change C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\ to D:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault if it was installed on D:\

14. Open up the VaultStoreEntry table

15. Change 'SQLServer' column to be the new SQLServerName

16. Change StorageArchive to use the new server for the MSMQ name

(ie change 'DIRECT=OS:myOldServer\Private$' to 'DIRECT=OS:myNewServer\Private$')

17. Open up the IndexRootPathEntry table

18. Change the 'IndexRootPath' column to reflect where the Indexes have now been copied to

19. Open up the PartitionEntry table

20. Change 'PartitionRootPath' column to reflect where the DVS Files have now been copied to

21. Close out of SQL Enterprise Manager

22. Start the Enterprise Vault Configuration program

23. It should then ask you whether you wish to create a new site, or join an existing one, select join

24. Once it lists the Sites just choose the default site

25. After its joined it will say that it found a computer entry in the table and repaired it

Once configuration has been run, you should now be able to open the Vault Admin Console and perform Searches, restore, retrieve etc items held on that server.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Thanks for the update, this will help other people for sure!

As for the Key, could you try the followin (if you're comfortable with this):

- Open up SQL Management Studio / Enterprise Manager
- Go to the DB: EnterpriseVaultDirectory
- Go to the Table: SiteEntry
- Open the Table
- Copy the "SiteEntryId" value of your site

- Now, open up regedit
- Go to the Mentioned Key:
    HKLM\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault
    Edit the "SiteID" Regkey
    Add the "SiteID" Regkey as "String Value"
    and add the copied SiteEntryID there.

This should fix this problem.


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4
Partner Certified
Thank you Michel,  I have been waiting for almost a week now to hear something from support on it.  I will surely give it a try.  Thanks again!
Laura  :)