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New-EVIndexSnapshot on cluster

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified


we add to our batch script this line

\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\evshell.psc1" -command "& {New-EvIndexsnapshot -EVServerName -confirm:$false}"

In history - we call this script on version 12.x where we have backup mode for stores and index and after upgrade of EV14.2 we added snapshot of new elastic search, see .  

So, the script is located on node1 in C:\script.  If this node is active, all is working. If this node is passive, two lines with e backup mode for stores and backup mode for index works. But call EVindexsnapshot is not working. 

Is needed configure  Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation on both nodes to the same path ?

Is needed call the script on active node ?

Many thanks



Level 4

Based on the information provided, it seems that you have a batch script that includes a PowerShell command to create a new EVindexsnapshot in Enterprise Vault. However, you're experiencing issues when running the script on the passive node.

Regarding your questions:

  1. Is it necessary to configure Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation on both nodes to the same path?

Yes, in an active-passive cluster configuration, it's important to ensure that both nodes are configured with the same EVIndexSnapshotLocation path. This ensures that the snapshot files are accessible and consistent across both nodes.

  1. Is it necessary to call the script on the active node?

When running the script in an active-passive cluster configuration, it's generally recommended to execute it on the active node. This ensures that the necessary resources and dependencies are available for the script to run successfully. Running the script on the passive node might lead to issues if the required resources or dependencies are not present on that node.

To summarize, make sure that:

  • Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation is configured with the same path on both nodes.
  • Run the script on the active node to ensure the necessary resources are available.

If you're still facing issues after following these steps, it might be helpful to check the logs or error messages to determine the specific cause of the problem.