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No items were matched by any rule, the volume has no enabled rules applied

Level 3

I've added file system archiving for a new file server, but when the file archiving task runs all the reports complete with the following message:

"No items were matched by any rule, the volume has no enabled rules applied"

However, when i ran the file archiving task in report mode it "virtually" archived quite a lot.

Has anyone else had this problem or know what it might be?

If not - is there some way I can test the file archiving bit to see if I've set it up correctly?


Level 6
What version of EV are you on?
Jim S.

Level 6
Ill assume you are running version 7 or above as you said "task" which only appears in version 7 onwards.  In version 7.5 minifilter drivers were used opposed to the EVFSF.sys driver but to this problem dont think it will make a difference.
Sounds like you are doing most things right, the archiving task in report mode should give you an accurate figure of what will be archived on a archiving run.  What I would be inclined to do to troubleshoot this is the following.
1: Double check the reports closely make sure you ar enot  missing anything obvious that would explain this.
2: I have seen people have a similar issue where a report said for example 10GB to archive but on an archiving run nothing was, which was due to the services being in "read only" mode for backup.  However to be honest does not sound like this is the case for you but is a quick check. 
3: I would set up a summy folder and set up a volume policy and arhciving point on this.  Place in some dummy files  *.doc, *.xls etc etc.  Set up the archiving policy to be *.* so in effect archive everything in this test location.  Do a run in report mode and then in normal mode and compare reports again.  If everything is as it should be and the normal run arhi9ves what is stated in the report mode run the it proves that EV istself is functioning correctly and is archiving.  In that case I would look again very closely at your polices.  If it does hte same thing then it sounds like an issue that I would recommned contact tech support over.
In additon to gather more info you can run a Dtrace (search for dtrace in knowledge base for technote on how to run) on the EV server against the following.  (These are from memory so may not be exact but you should hopefully see something similar). 
FSA Task
On the actual file server at the same time run dtrace against the EVPlaceholderService.
Even if you have trouble reading the results (they are not easy and were originaly designed for Engineering Support at Symantec I believe) if you log a case with Symantec support they may come in very useful. 
Good LuckSmiley Wink

Level 3
Version is 7.5.

I think you're onto something about the backup Genie.
When I scheduled the job I scheduled it so it wouldn't crash with the backup of the file server.

What I didn't consider was the 7 hour time difference to the Enterprise Vault server - so when I had a second look, it did indeed crash with the backup of this server.

I've rescheduled the task now so it's going to be exciting to watch it over the weekend.

The funny part though, is that it actually archived 1 single file last weekend.

Thanks a lot for your input Genie!
- John