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PST Locator Task and "True File Typing"

Level 3
Employee Accredited Certified
Here is one for you EV/Information Foundation Enthusiasts,
I ask this question from the standpoint of a customer looking at EV for eDiscovery reasons.
We currently use something in Symantec Mail Security called "True File Typing" which prohibits senders/recipients form renaming an executable (or other potentially destructive file type) as a .txt or a .doc or other "harmless" file type and then successfully sending it through an email gateway.
Why doesn't (or when will) the EV PST Locator task do "true file typing"?
So if a user saves .psts files to their local drive or on the network and simply renames them as .txt then the locator task misses them and potentially information is still living in the wild which could cause all kinds of legal and/or compliance issues.
In going over the "hard disk" and "registry" search process there is no indication that a misnamed .pst would be located.