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Provisioned Mailbox, 22 Arhivable Folders, 0 Archivable Items

Level 3
 Hi everyone,

I'm having a bit of an odd issue.  We provisioned a user's mailbox for archiving; it successfully shows up when you go to run an Archiving Task in Report More, but it seems that the Vault doesn't see any items within the mailbox.  The report comes back that there are 22 archivable folders, but there are 0 archivable items.

I've checked all manner of permissions on both the Vault and the user's mailbox, but everything checks out the same as any other user.  There's nothing in the Event Log on either the Vault server or the Exchange server that corresponds to the time at which these report tasks are running either.

When one of my colleagues was working on this issue earlier, I see two events pertaining to the affected user, though:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault 
Event Category: Archive Task 
Event ID: 3172
Date: 4/2/2009
Time: 4:20:02 PM
User: N/A
Computer: *servername*
An ArchiveMarkedItems request has failed. 
Mailbox: /O=*Company* Inc/OU=*Domain*/cn=Recipients/cn=*username* 
Error: The parameter is incorrect.  [0x80070057] 
For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Enterprise Vault 
Event Category: Archive Task 
Event ID: 2270
Date: 4/2/2009
Time: 4:20:02 PM
User: N/A
Computer: *servername*
A queued operation exceeded the retry count and has been discarded
m_pIArchiveAction->ArchiveMarkedItems(ExchangeServer = "*ExchangeServerName*",
 MailboxDn = "/O=*Company* Inc/OU=*Domain*/cn=Recipients/cn=*username*",
 FolderPath = " ",
 TimeStamp = "2009-04-02T20:20:00",
 RetentionCategoryId = "",
 AuthToken = "S-1-1-0 S-1-5-11 S-1-5-15 S-1-5-2 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10463 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10470 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10496 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10593 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10594 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10595 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10596 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10763 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-10945 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-11029 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-11030 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-1082013118-11031 S-1-5-21-1488997980-1088976322-10
HRESULT: 0x80070057 
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Can anyone shed some light on what I must be missing here?


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
can you shed some more light? 
was this an upgrade? 
what version?
what does the report look like?

could you do a run now with dtrace on archivetask?

Level 3

We're running v. 7.5 right now.

The report for this user looks like the following

System Name: servername
Mailbox Name: (accurate)
Associated Account: (accurate)
Mailbox State: it is now showing as Disabled, though it wasn't the other day - he is in a provisioning group though
Date: (accurate)
Start Time: (accurate)
End Time: (accurate)
No of archivable items: 0
Total Size: 0
No of archivable folders: 22
No of items ready to archive: 0
Size of items ready to archive: 0
No of largest items: 0
Total size of large items: 0
No of messages that would be archived: 0
Size of messages that would be archived: 0
Quota limit: Undefined
Quota use: 887724
% of Quota: Undefined
No of Expired Shortcuts: 0
No of Orphaned Shortcuts: 0
No of Old Shortcuts: 0
(EF) Number of items that No Action is to be taken: 0
(EF) Number of items to Archive: 0
(EF) Number of items to be marked 'Do Not Archive': 0
(EF) Number of items to be moved to the wastebasket
(EF) Number of items to be permanently deleted: 0
Archiving policy applied: Default Exchange Mailbox Policy

I'm not really familiar with dtrace.  Could you provide me with some information on it?  

Thanks for the help.

Level 3

I found the Logging portion and I just logged an attempt to run the archiving task in report mode.  It is long, though.

I'm not sure what I should be looking for within this report.  I could put it here, but it is huge.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
zip it up and pm it to me, or upload it some ware and ill post the relevant  parts.

Level 3
 I don't see anywhere to attach it to a PM.  Can you PM me your e-mail, and can I send you the .zip that way?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
pm sent :)

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Is this maybe a new mailbox? Are there any special things about this mailbox? (moved recently, imported from PST, something like this) EV usually reports the "No of items ready to archive: 0" correctly. Is it possible that are really not in the archiving scope? Cheers Michel

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 3
 Okay - something crazy is going on.  I am not getting e-mail updates for the subscription to this thread, and I also don't have any PMs in my Inbox except the two that I've sent.

What am I not doing right?

MichelZ, this is not a new or recently moved mailbox.  I checked the items within it, and there are items which fit the archiving criteria for the provisioning group which he is in.

Level 3
 I hate 'bumping' my own thread, but can anyone help me out here?  I never received a PM with your e-mail, and I'm not able to attach anything to a PM which I'd send you.  I have the DTRACE log, but no way of getting it to you.

Am I missing something with the interface here?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
You can mail it to us.... Cheers

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
PM resent :)

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Kevin Seems like the user has set some EV settings from his Mailbox: 137 11:01:41.435 [4300] (ArchiveTask) <9100> EV:M EFP - Folder Policy Settings| Filter Type = Not archiving this folder (do not archive)| Archive Settings Locked = FALSE| Override Locks = FALSE| Delete Original = FALSE| Create Shortcut = FALSE| Archive unread items = FALSE| Archiving based on : Age Based Settings| Inactivity Period = 999 Years| Not using Size Priority Settings Can you have a look at his mailbox -> right click the "Inbox" folder ->Properties -> Enterprise Vault Make sure that archiving is enabled there. (Or ZAP the mailbox to remove all those settings) Cheers Michel

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
or set the client regkey and delete the hidden msg, easeir than evpm and zapping

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Just incase you dont know what im speaking about:



   \Enterprise Vault

0 - Not visible (default if the key does not exist).
1 - Visible.

Controls whether the Delete Hidden Message button is visible in the Vault Information dialog box.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Client RegKey? Can you explain?

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Ah :) Does this delete the filter messages, too? Not just the settings.txt?

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You select the messages you wish to delete, open up the tech info page, scroll down to the hidden msg section, selet the msg and hit delete, on all the relevent msg's you wish to delete :>

And then say thank you wayne :)

Level 3
 To run the risk of sounding like a total idiot (too late, right?)... Is this on the EV server or a workstation with a mail client and the EV plug-in installed?  I'd have to create that Reg key, right?  I wouldn't be looking to modify an existing one?

Sorry and thank you both so much again.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
depends, where you opening the mailbox if on the server then its a server regkey, if you wanna look cool then do it on the clients workstation.

You will need to create a new key.