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Provisioning Group

Level 5
Partner Accredited


I have Enterprise Vault 9 running in our envrionment. We have 2 Provisioning Group in that one is for manager and one is for users.  More than 2500 Users are in User Proviosioning Group and when ever i have to move any user from User PG to Managers PG i have to scroll up and down complete list which takes too much time as there is no search facility available. 
Is there any other way i can remove user from User PG and Move it Managers PG.





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Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

They way you are managing the Provisioning Groups is less than ideal.

Your best option would be to have two AD groups, one for managers and one for Users. Assign those AD groups as the targets for the Provisioning Groups.  That way you don't have to mess around in EV at all to move users from one group to another.

Also, give these a read:

View solution in original post


Level 4

No, but you don't have to remove user from the user group if Manager group has higher ranking than User group. If user belongs to both Manager and User PG then only higher rank PG will be used. 

Level 5
Partner Accredited

But as per my AD structure i have to move it to managers PG as Managers have different policy from User PG, User and Manager Vault Stores are on different partion means there archive are not on same Vault Store partion, so i have to move there archives as well.

Level 4

I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing here. Are you talking about Move Archive?

Level 5
Partner Accredited

@ Care Freex

am not talking about Move Archive , Moving Archiving is different.

Current Scenario

User PG ====> Vault Store Partion 1  ===== >   Volume/Partion  A    (more than 3000 Users)
Managers PG ==> Vault Store Partion2 =====>   Volume/Partion B     (less than 100 Users)

Ihave to move one user from User PG to Managers PG , as figure shows user PG have more than 3000 Users , so when you go to properties of User PG and on Target Tab long list appears with domain name\user name.

Now you have to scroll up and down in the list to find users to delete from the list which is very time consuming.

Question : Is there any other way to find users from users PG and remove from the list.



Level 4

No there isn't any other way. 

However, I still don't understand why you "Have to" if it is hassle. Also, you might want to consider provisioning the users by group or LDAP.



Provisioning Group Properties

This list controls the order in which provisioning groups are processed and the order in which they are displayed in the Administration Console.

Provisioning groups are processed starting at the top of this list, working down to the bottom. If a mailbox appears in more than one provisioning group, it is processed as part of the highest provisioning group in which it appears.

To change the processing order, click a provisioning group to select it and then click Move Up to move it higher in the order or click Move Down to move it lower in the order

Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hi Saqib,

you can have a user, as stated by CareFreex, in multiple PGs, even if there are different policies for them. The PGs are not additive. Only ONE policy can be used for ONE Mailbox, so the sequence of the membership of a mailbox in PGs are important. EV takes the policy for a particular user whicht it finds first and this is the PG with the lowest number e.g. the topmost PG in the list.

In general: It is not recommended to add single users to the PGs, because if a user is no langer available in the AD, but is still configured for a PG, the provisioning task may fail and EV takes no notice for changed configurations.
The better idea is, to configure, in your environment, two AD groups (eg zz_archiving-managers and zz_archiving-users) and add your users to the AD-groups. Configure your PGs in a way that it uses the AD-groups and to enable users automatically. In the future just move the users from one AD-group to the other.

And consider another IMPORTANT fact:

If a user is enabled for archiving the first time it gets an archive and an associated indexing service and an associated vault store and in series an open partition of this vault store. Both can NOT be changed, even not by configuring a particular user for another PG. You can change this only by using "Move Archive". This physically pulls out the archived elements of an archive and stores (and reindexes) them in another archive in the new vault store.



Level 5
Partner Accredited

Please see the screen shot attached.

after viewing this pic may be you ll get my question what i am trying to ask.

Simple question i have to remove the user from this list

Level 6

You can probably construct a SQl query to achieve but make sure you create take a backup of you ev database before you run any query .

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

They way you are managing the Provisioning Groups is less than ideal.

Your best option would be to have two AD groups, one for managers and one for Users. Assign those AD groups as the targets for the Provisioning Groups.  That way you don't have to mess around in EV at all to move users from one group to another.

Also, give these a read:

Level 6

I agree with Tony, having all the users individually listed is definitely not ideal.

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