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Public Folder Archiving - Standard Vs. Auto Enabled

Level 3
I have read up a little bit on the differences between the two modes but am still not very clear on them. Can someone explain to me the functional differences between the two and why would you use one vs. the other.


Level 6
As far as I understand it there is not a great deal of difference between the types of PF Archiving. Pre SP2 EV6.0 Auto enabled did not archive items in the root folder only sub-folders. However this has been changed/fixed in SP2. Now the only difference between the two is that with Auto-Enabled you get more granularity in the archive itself, i.e. each sub-folder has its own archive.

Level 3
What is the recommendation then for new installs? What would be a reason to do one vs. the other? Other than multiple archive folders created if auto-enabled is there any other big difference?

Level 6
I have never heard why one approach would be preferred to another but I have heard that Symantec Consultants recommend Standard.

Level 6

As I see it it's like this
Some customers effectively give each of their users a folder in PF to store data (rather than say PST)
So what they're wanting is that when each of those folders is enabled for archviing that folder is represented as it's own archive (so that the user see's it clearly as such when doing a search). e.g John Smith, Pauline Jones

However if you didn't use auto enable then all the folders will be show as one entity ie 'public folder'

Level 6

As I see it it's like this
Some customers effectively give each of their users a folder in PF to store data (rather than say PST)
So what they're wanting is that when each of those folders is enabled for archviing that folder is represented as it's own archive (so that the user see's it clearly as such when doing a search). e.g John Smith, Pauline Jones

However if you didn't use auto enable then all the folders will be show as one entity ie 'public folder'

Level 6

As I see it it's like this
Some customers effectively give each of their users a folder in PF to store data (rather than say PST)
So what they're wanting is that when each of those folders is enabled for archviing that folder is represented as it's own archive (so that the user see's it clearly as such when doing a search). e.g John Smith, Pauline Jones

However if you didn't use auto enable then all the folders will be show as one entity ie 'public folder'