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RPC/HTTP Web Application issue

Level 4
We are currently experiencing problems when using Outlook with RPC/HTTP and clicking the "Search Vault" and "Archive Explorer" toolbar buttons.  When clicking either button, we are prompted to authenticate, but then we receive an error:  The Enterprise Vault Service is not available.  Reason:  Failed to determine the backend server.  I have enabled RPC logging on the RPC proxy server and the following error is dispayed
"[ADLookup] Executing query...
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: [GetLoggedOnUserDetails] ADLookup returned error: -2147217865 Table does not exist.
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: [GetLoggedOnUserDetails] Function finished
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: Back end server for logged on user:
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: Mailbox name for logged on user: Barbara.Gargone
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: Mailbox domain for logged on user:
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: Default back end server from config settings:
4/10/2007 12:06:02 PM: Failed to determine back end server
We are using RPC/HTTP with a front-end/backend architecture.  EX 2003 SP2 and Evault 6.0 SP4.  The ISA firewall is in the DMZ and RPC proxy server and targets are on the corporate network.  The FE and BE OWA/RPC Enterprise vault extension have been installed for sometime now and archives are accessbile using OWA from the internet.  (We are now testing RPC/HTTP)
The ISA web publishing rule (namespace) has been created and points to the RPC proxy server with access to the following virtual directories:
We use the ISA firewall (same publishing rule) for Mobile 5.0 devices (activesync) and have recently added the /rpc/* for RPC/HTTP testing which works fine,  however, we just recently added the /EnterpriseVaultProxy/* virtual directory and cannot access the Enterprise Vault server via the search vault and AE toolbar buttons when connected to the internet only.  If connected to the corporate network, all works fine with Evault.
Evault desktop settings also have been modified to include the RPC proxy URL and "None" set for RPC over HTTP restrictions.
I have searched Evaults RPC/HTTP posts and I'm not seeing any similar issues.  Can someone point me in the right direction to possibly fix the above error?
Thanks in Advance.
Barbara Gargone

Level 6
Partner Accredited
You can try adding backend settings to the EVfrontend.ini file on the Exchange frontend server as per technote -

Level 4
Thanks for your response.  I edited the EVFrontend.ini file to include "defaultbeserver=FQDN of backend server", which when looking at the OWA RPC logs appeared to have gotten me alittle further but now a blank page comes up when I click "search vault" or AE in Outlook using RPC/HTTP.
I've pasted the errors from the log file below. The first error is the one I was getting before I edited the EVFrontend.ini file, since editing, the first error still appears, but seems to be able to resolve the backend Exchange server, however, the last error is now appearing. 
Thanks for your help.
Edited RPC logging file:
[GetMbxDetails] ADLookup returned error: -2147217865 Table does not exist.
[GetLoggedOnUserDetails] ADLookup returned error: -2147217865 Table does not exist.
Default back end server from config settings: FQDN of backend EX
Back end ping URL: http://FQDN of backend EX
Ping using IWA
Set ping header: Host=FQDN of backend EX
Sending ping request...
Response received:
Back end server defaulting to : FQDN of backend EX
Back end request verb: GET
Back end request URL: http://FQDN of backend EX
Request using IWA
Set request header: Referer=
Set request header: Content-Type=
Set request header: Accept-Language=en-us
Set request header: User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
Set request header: Cookie=
Set request header:
Sending request...
4/11/2007 5:44:14 PM: ServerXMLHTTP send request error -2147012889 desc The server name or address could not be resolved

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hi Barbara
You can actually ignore those errors - the first 2 are because it can't find the backend servername in the AD profile - usually happens when AD is setup with a resource and login domain structure.
The last error is also OK it will happen all the time on the Frontend (well at least I have seen that from all the logs I have seen).
Blank Search or archiveexplorer usually means misconfigured proxycfg settings -
Use this proxycfg command to allow everything from Exchange backend to EV server:-
Proxycfg -d -p "<local>" "<local>";*
If Search and archiveexplorer work, then you can configure it with the correct settings:-
Proxycfg -d -p "<local>" "<local>";EV server IP address;EV Server DNS alias FQDN;EVserver DNS alias netbios name;EV server FQDN;EV server netbios name
You can also turn on proxydiagnostics=2 in the EVbackend.ini on the Exchange Backend server - this will give you some idea what is returned back from the EV server the Exchange server.

Level 4
Hi John,
Do I run the first Proxycfg -d -p "<local> "<local>" from the EV server or from the backend Exchange server? 
 Also, do I really specify "<local>" as you indicate in the first execution or do I replace those values with the EV server IP; EV server DNS alias FQDN; EVserver DNS alias netbios name;EVserver FQDM;EV server netbios name. 
If the first one works with just <local>, do I replace <local> with the above values or include <local> and add the other values when executing it correctly the second time?
Thanks again.

Level 6
Run it on the Exchange backend Server.
Do not relace <local> with anything.

Level 4
Hi John,
I tried the both proxycfg scripts.  The first one I was able to use AE and search vault from inside the network but not from the internet.  So I tried the correct script adding all EV values and that didn't work either.
I think I may have created another problem when viewing shortcuts using OWA.  During my troubleshooting efforts yesterday, I enabled use "Anonoymous Access" on the "EnterpriseVaultProxy" virtual directory and entered the OWA Anonymous user account.  This didn't resolve my problem using RPC/HTTP so I unchecked "use Anonymous Access" on the EnterpriseVaultProxy directory, but now when I open shortcut messages in OWA, I get a banner at the top of the shortcut message stating:
 "The archived item is currently unavailable"
"If you reply or forward the item only the contents below will be sent"
"Click here to view the original item"
When I select "click here to view the original item" another window pops up and displays:
"Veritas Enterprise Vault Error"
"You do not have access to this vault"
When I checked the application log on the EV server, this is the error description reported:
"Client request refused due to insufficient privileges, user domain\EVANON attempted to access the Archive Folder: Gargone, Barbara"

The domain\EVANON is the account used for Anonymous access for OWA, However I did uncheck it on the virtual directory, could it be left in cache somewhere on EV server?

Can you help me reverse the changes?



Level 4
Disregard the OWA issue I replied to previously.  I was able to fix it by running the cscript owauswer.wsf file for the Anonymous OWA account.
Maybe this fix will ultimately fix my RPC/HTTP problem.

Level 4
Great news!!!  Re-running the cscript OWAUser.wsf file fixed my RPC/HTTP problem.  I am now able to access the web application using the search vault and archive explorer buttons in Outlook when configured using RPC/HTTP from the internet.
Thanks for all your help.
Do I need to undo the proxycfg -d -p, or do you think that helped?

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hi Barbara
Glad it is all sorted now.  Leave the proxycfg settings - it's the way they should be setup.