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Enterprise Vault

Discussion Posts

Export public folders.

Hi. We have a customer thats laving our Exchange system and we need to export the public folders. How do we do that? We have so far 4500 archived public folers and need to be able to export them if a customer leaves us. Kim Morgan Ellis FIva

Offline Vault

Hi All, a bit of a security question here. We have had a laptop stolen and there is potentially security risk with the contents of the users vault. can the offline vault messages be opened in any way by browsing to the location that they are stored i...

Reporting in EV7

Hello Wondered in any or you experts can help please, it is alleged that there is far better reporting in EV7, can anyone who has migrated to this product tell me what report is availble and what format it is in. Many thanks   Pat

Resolved! No Buttons in OWA 2003

Hi! I see that many persons have this sort of problem but I can't figure out what is wrong.Only one Exchange server 2003 SP2. All archived mails have the right icon and I can open/forward mails.EVServers file and ExchangeServers file exist and is OK....

Some questions regarding the User right.

Hi there,Some questions regarding the User right.Workstation not joining AD domain, user is local to workstation, but having the same name and password as user account in AD domainWhen connect Outlook2003, will get prompt for user id & password; ente...

Resolved! Auto Enableing Email Boxes

All, Deploying Evault for Exchange here, and created policies, retentions, provisioning jobs, is there a way to ensure that all email boxes are enabled, and are archiving. The policies are not the defaults, I left those alone but, createed new ones a...

Moving file server data with EV Placeholders

Hello,I was wondering if anyone had found a relatively easy but reliable way to move placeholders from drive to drive or server to server. I have tried with robocopy but it doesn't seem to like it.  I would like to be able to copy with having the act...

Delete from Archive (problem´s during disable)

Hi Everybody, because one customer want´s to be able to delete Messages from the Archive sometimes i´ve done some testing. If i enable the option that users can delete Items from their archives and then Snyc the Mailbox Task i can delete Messages wit...

Can't enable users for client driven pst migration

Hi! When I try to add a user to client driven pst migration a reciev an error in the event log with error id 3196An error has occured whilst synchronizing the properties of mailbox /o=Crux/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=crux_mho on Ex...

Please Confirm

Hi Chaps I am after some confirmation of what I am about to do. When our vault was origionaly setup - we specified that archived items could not be deleted at all, however now because of the rate of growth of our archive we wish to change this. Could...

Recreating accidentally deleted archive

How do everyone, One of our junior IT admins accidentally deleted an archive for an existing user. I appreciate it is not easy to get this archive back and I'm not too concerned about that.  I am however going to create another archive for this exist...

Enable Messages not sent

We are expierincing problems with the EnableMessages not being sent to user. Nor the archive or pst is sent to user. The messages end up in the System Mailbox for the EV server and I see them in the Inbox saying "this message has not been sent".We ha...

New frontend

Hello, Since one week we had a new frontend server2007  with a backend2007 Exchange server. In owa i had the butoons displayed "archive explorer" and search Vault" but after moving my mailbox to Exchange2007 i can connect to OWA but i can't see the b...

PermissionBrowser.exe not found in EV7

The PermissionBrowser.exe utility is very useful, but I found the EV7 version taken out this utility. Did anyone know where I can get back this utility, or does EV7 provide a similar utility?

Leo_Wan by Level 5
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