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trying to setup OWA in evault

Level 4
Partner Accredited

C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault>cscript owauser.wsf /domain:domain /user:owaus

er /password:-password /exch2003


when I run teh above script I get a can not logon as this user error


Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I have gotten that serveral times.  I always use the /skipverify when I get that and it works.  :)

Getting "cannot log on to specified account" when running the OWAUSER.wsf.

Exact Error Message
cannot log on to specified account
When running the OWAUSER.wsf script error "cannot log on to specified account" is generated. Check the following first.
Script format:
cscript owauser.wsf /domain:domain /user:username
/password:password /exch2003
Note: Keep the "/exch2003" in for both exchange 2003 and 2007 installations.
1. Make sure that the Anonymous Account is only a member of the domain users group.
2. Make sure the Anonymous Account is not a local admin on the exchange server.
3. Make sure the Anonymous Account is not disabled, hidden or locked out.
4. Reset the password on the Anonymous Account and tried running the script again.
5. Run the script again and added "/skipverify" to the end of the script.

View solution in original post


Level 4

What groups are this user in?  I assume it is a domain user?

Is that - in the /password:-password an accident?  I understand you put in password for the password but the - might give you trouble... 

Level 4
Partner Accredited
the only group it is in in domain user. Also I just put the password as password for the post I have a very complex password any thought thanks again so much for posting

Level 4
Can you please post the exact error message?

Level 4
Partner Accredited
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved. WScript version: 5.6 Configuring for Exchange 2003 Running as: DOMAIN\evault User name: owauser User domain: Domain ERROR: Cannot log on to specified account

Level 5
I have seen sometimes, where the Anonymous account it is only member of the Domain users and has the right permissions that this error: Cannot log on to the specified account happens again and again. If you try the obvious, like creating a new anonymous account, checking the permissions and you do not progress, the best thing you can do it is to run the OWAUSER.WSF script  with the parameter /skipverify and after that check the following in the Enterprise Vault Server:

1.- That the registry key HKCU\SoftwareKVS\Enterprise Vault\AnonymousUser it is pointing to the anonymous user you specified in the script owauser.wsf
2.-  That the registry key HKLM\Software\KVS\EnterpriseVault\Install\OWAWepAppAlias  it is pointing to EVAnon. 
3.- Check in the security of the EVAnon directory that  anonymous access it is granted for the anonymous user and than the IP address of the backend servers are granted to access to this directory.

I hope it helps to resolve your problem.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I have gotten that serveral times.  I always use the /skipverify when I get that and it works.  :)

Getting "cannot log on to specified account" when running the OWAUSER.wsf.

Exact Error Message
cannot log on to specified account
When running the OWAUSER.wsf script error "cannot log on to specified account" is generated. Check the following first.
Script format:
cscript owauser.wsf /domain:domain /user:username
/password:password /exch2003
Note: Keep the "/exch2003" in for both exchange 2003 and 2007 installations.
1. Make sure that the Anonymous Account is only a member of the domain users group.
2. Make sure the Anonymous Account is not a local admin on the exchange server.
3. Make sure the Anonymous Account is not disabled, hidden or locked out.
4. Reset the password on the Anonymous Account and tried running the script again.
5. Run the script again and added "/skipverify" to the end of the script.