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Clearing logs on 5200

Level 6

Can someone help me with figuring out how to clear the logs on my 5200 appliance.  I noticed that when i run disk info that my /dev/sda3 log is 100% full.

nbuappl01.Support> Disk info
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             548G   61G  460G  12% /
udev                   16G  276K   16G   1% /dev
/dev/sda3             1.1T  1.1T     0 100% /log
tmpfs                 4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /dev/vx
                       33T   16T   17T  49% /disk
                      1.0G  476M  544M  47% /cat

I know how to get logged into maintenance mode but im not really sure on how to clean out the logs to release space. 




Accepted Solutions

Level 2
Employee Accredited

Refer to

Though its for the older versions, should work with 5200 too. Future appliance release should have CLISH or web GUI options to do so. Hope that helps.



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Level 2
Employee Accredited

Refer to

Though its for the older versions, should work with 5200 too. Future appliance release should have CLISH or web GUI options to do so. Hope that helps.



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

As the appliance is a Media Server you can connect to its host properties and change the log retention on its cleanup tab - this will keep the logs cycled

Otherwise as Kiran says do it manually in maintenance mode

Level 6

I did have logging set to 5(maximum) on the host properties of the appliance and i just changed that back to default of 0.

How ever after working with support we figured out that I had verbose logging turned on in my pd.conf file on the appliance.  Leaving this setting set to maximum I found out can really cause issues on the appliance that make it pretty hard to trouble shoot.

Just for future reference incase someone else notices this all of my backups were sporatically running very slow.  Once day a paticular backup would run in 15 mintues and the next would take 6 hours.  This was happening to all of my jobs.  I had some that normally take 2-3 hours that were still running 2 days later until i cancled them.

For three days  i was interogating my network guys on what they might have possibly changed or miss configured.

After clearing out about 1tb of logs the backups now seem to be running at normal speeds.