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MS-Sharepoint Backup fail without GRT

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified


in my env. i have 5 servers

2-sharepoint application server (cluster name msmpspacluster) windows2008R2,sharepoint2010

2-sharepoint application front web (cluster name msmpspwcluster)windows2008R2,sharepoint2010

1- sqlserver windows2008R2,sql2010


user name: domain\service-sharepoint

NetBackup Appliance:5220


netbackup client host properties: domain\service-sharepoint and password

netbackup server properties: distributed application restore-> add application server : sql server, webfront server: sqlserver

when i run the backup two process run successfully and one process give error status 42


Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Global Settings (MSMPSPA1)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\Search Service Application\Index files 1 (MSMPSPA1/c8ce5e00-1b9f-44a6-bae6-19be8cac0e98-query-0)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\Search Service Application\Index files 3 (MSMPSPA1/c8ce5e00-1b9f-44a6-bae6-19be8cac0e98)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharePoint Foundation Help Search\Search instance\Index files 1 (MSMPSPA1/8430e250-5c4b-4f31-88cb-0c66d6edd230)\


Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\Search Service Application\Index files 2 (MSMPSPA2/c8ce5e00-1b9f-44a6-bae6-19be8cac0e98-query-1)\

Fail error status 42:

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Business Data Connectivity Service/Proxy (MSMPSQL/92135f82-4783-48b7-81af-583fd4e1dec8)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Managed Metadata Service/Proxy (MSMPSQL/0eea7520-0b0a-41c3-a3d1-c2f1f5c79cf8)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\PerformancePoint Service Application/Proxy (MSMPSQL/6ffc24e5-5866-43ed-8436-305c58182661)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Search Service Application/Proxy (MSMPSQL/30902882-eae3-40c4-96fe-eaca68826da3)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Secure Store Service/Proxy (MSMPSQL/e50e6200-6a7f-44dc-bc6c-cf8d67ca6449)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\UPS/Proxy (MSMPSQL/f631eda0-c528-44cf-ad58-d7d8e15156a1)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Visio Graphics Service/Proxy (MSMPSQL/6c79ab19-4b62-4c72-88e3-206579c5309c)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Web Analytics Service Application/Proxy (MSMPSQL/b807ca64-ddd6-4978-8608-6cb00ad1861b)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Proxies\Word Automation Services/Proxy (MSMPSQL/f3ad4550-c8c3-4479-9f71-f6288eaa9132)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharePoint Foundation Help Search\Search instance\Search-DB 1 (MSMPSQL/WSS_Search_MSMPSPA1)\

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\WSS_Administration\WebApplication\Content-DB 1 (MSMPSQL/SharePoint_AdminContent_842fb1b4-7f5c-4505-b993-2162b07248de)\


09/11/2013 01:55:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=7124) is the host to backup data from

09/11/2013 01:55:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=7124) reading file list from client

09/11/2013 01:55:29 - started process bpbrm (pid=7124)

09/11/2013 01:55:29 - connecting

09/11/2013 01:55:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=7124) starting bpbkar on client

09/11/2013 01:55:30 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00

09/11/2013 01:55:31 - Info bpbkar (pid=4212) Backup started

09/11/2013 01:55:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=7124) bptm pid: 7126

09/11/2013 01:55:32 - Info bptm (pid=7126) start

09/11/2013 01:55:32 - Info bptm (pid=7126) using 262144 data buffer size

09/11/2013 01:55:32 - Info bptm (pid=7126) using 30 data buffers

09/11/2013 01:55:32 - Info bptm (pid=7126) start backup

09/11/2013 01:55:33 - Info bptm (pid=7126) backup child process is pid 7151

09/11/2013 01:55:33 - Error bptm (pid=7151) system call failed - Connection reset by peer (at child.c.1298)

09/11/2013 01:55:33 - Error bptm (pid=7151) unable to perform read from client socket, connection may have been broken

09/11/2013 01:55:33 - begin writing

09/11/2013 01:55:35 - Info bptm (pid=7126) EXITING with status 42 <----------

09/11/2013 01:55:35 - Info tnb-appliance (pid=7126) StorageServer=PureDisk:tnb-appliance; Report=PDDO Stats for (tnb-appliance): scanned: 2 KB, CR sent: 0 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 100.0%

09/11/2013 01:55:35 - Error bpbrm (pid=7124) could not send server status message

09/11/2013 01:55:35 - Info bpbkar (pid=4212) done. status: 42: network read failed

09/11/2013 01:55:35 - end writing; write time: 0:00:02

network read failed  (42)



can someone help me?






Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You need a client installed on every server involved in the sharepoint farm

Those should have the NetBackup client server and netbackup legacy network service accounts set to suitable accounts that can access SharePoint and SQL

It is best to use short names for the clients or at least be consistent throughout and make sure everything can resolve everything with short and fqdn

As you only get one component fail it indicates that there is a permissions issue within SharePoint so you need to get the SP admins to check permissions on those parts of the farm that are failing - but it is odd that it  comes back with network broken as this does indicate one part of the farm is not working correctly

bpcd, bpresolver and bpbkar logs on all clients may give us the clue where it goes wrong so start with double checking all pre-requisites, setting up logging then try again and post the logs

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You need a client installed on every server involved in the sharepoint farm

Those should have the NetBackup client server and netbackup legacy network service accounts set to suitable accounts that can access SharePoint and SQL

It is best to use short names for the clients or at least be consistent throughout and make sure everything can resolve everything with short and fqdn

As you only get one component fail it indicates that there is a permissions issue within SharePoint so you need to get the SP admins to check permissions on those parts of the farm that are failing - but it is odd that it  comes back with network broken as this does indicate one part of the farm is not working correctly

bpcd, bpresolver and bpbkar logs on all clients may give us the clue where it goes wrong so start with double checking all pre-requisites, setting up logging then try again and post the logs

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

hi mark,

thanks for reply. can u share the doc that is helpfull for me where i am wrong to configure the backup policy or might be credentials add in the NB-Client-> properties->windowsclient->sharepoint and sequence of adding the frontweb,appserver,and sql server enteries in the Masteserver->properties->distributed application restore mapping.



Level 4
Partner Accredited

Follow the instruction on this tech note, make sure accounts you are using on all the boxes to start netbackup has domain admin rights. go to services on each box and change account under logon tab.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

The actual admin guide should be on your NBU 7.5 software in the DOCS folder - but if you cannot find it you can download it here:

If you prefer seeing it for yourself check out Symantec TV:

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

hi all,

thanks for your support espically Mark_solutions he give me a clue to crosscheck the user premission i change it to domain\administrator and change it to all servers relevent to MS-Sharepoint including SQL server change the user in NB GUI client host properties-> windows->sharepoint-> user(domain\administrator). on all share point and sql server. now my backup run successful.