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Another MASTER!

Level 6
Wow! I just realized we have another Master!
Congrats David, you came out of nowhere!
Very fast rise to the top!


Level 6
Congrats Dave.
Well done.

Level 6
It's a small elite group now, but with all the talent I have seen posting here it is only a matter of time before it grows. I've got 65 points to earn before I earn my trophy.

Unless of caorse someone hacks into the system and awards me 600 points in one fell swoop. But that only lasts a day. :)

Congrats David!
More importantly thank you for the informative posts you have made and for making yourself available to help out others.Congrats David!
More importantly thank you for the informative posts you have made and for making yourself available to help out others.

Level 6
Hey, thanks a lot guys!

What can I say? People have been generous with the points in recent months.
It's encouraging to see folks making use of the mechanisms of the forum; especially since it sounds like it was difficult to get them to do so in the past. Only just a few months ago, there were only 2 or 3 people here with more than 300 points. Now look at how many there are!

Can't wait for Bob to get his Expert! And Dennis should be a Master too fairly soon!

Exciting times!

Level 6
Very cool.


Level 6
>Can't wait for Bob to get his Expert! And Dennis should be a Master too fairly soon!

uhhh Dave?
It looks like you got your wish, if just for a day!

Level 6
Hmm ...

Can't wait to win the lottery! And have tons of hot women all over the house!!

How long do you think it'll take that wish to come true? If just for a day ...

Level 6
If I could have a wish come true, I would wish to have the power of persuasion.

If just for a day....

Level 6
Power of Persuasion and a really good phone book (thinking: World Leaders and celebrities, etc).

Call : "Stop being a dumb4ss!!"

Level 6
> I've got 350 points to earn
> before I earn my trophy.

Shouldn't that read: "re-earn my trophy" ??


Level 6
They need to have a little thorn icon for those of us still trying to figure out all of the bugs and do nothing but ask questions.

Level 6
I like people that ask questions and then award points :-)...Actually, I like everyone that expresses their appreciation.