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BMR restore exiting with STATUS 181

Not applicable

My server is 6.5.2A and the boot cd image was updated to 6.5.2A(client).   Everything goes along happily till the restore starts, then in the activity monitor I see this error.


Error bpbrm(pid=1896) client restore EXIT STATUS 181: tar received an invalid argument



the restore just hangs there for a bit, then completely exits/fails in 15 minutes.


 Any suggestions on where to look/fix?  From the status code it would seem that tar isn't up to the task, but if both the server/client are 6.5.2A.. what else could it be?





Level 5

Hi Jim,


Which platform is this on?

Do you have a boot CD image that does not have the client updated to 6.5.2A and is stil at 6.5 or 6.5.1?

Can you try with this CD to see if the error is reproducible?

One more thing you could try is attempting to restore one of the files of the client that you are BMRing on some other machine (or may be the master itself, if feasible)

I'd suggest that you also open a support case with Symantec for this issue.


