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Backup SAP online error code 6 - Script exited with status = 3 -

Level 4

Hi Guys, my name is Walter.

I have a problem with a Backup Job of SAP Online. We have NBU

I searched information about this error, I found same notes but not with this error:

Status Code: 6

1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - Info nbjm(pid=2720) starting backup job (jobid=42226) for client <SAPclient>, policy policy_SAP2, schedule Full 
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - Info nbjm(pid=2720) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_WITH_ATTRIBUTES resources from RB for backup job (jobid=42226, request id:{0AF93495-C326-4124-A42E-0A20DB0586EB}) 
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - requesting resource media-hcart-robot-tld-0
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - requesting resource master.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.client
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - requesting resource master.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.policy_SAP2
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - granted resource master.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.client
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - granted resource master.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.policy_SAP2
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - granted resource media-hcart-robot-tld-0
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
1/7/2015 12:10:11 AM - Info nbjm(pid=2720) started backup (backupid=idjob_1420600211) job for client <SAPclient>, policy policy_SAP2, schedule Full on storage unit media-hcart-robot-tld-0
1/7/2015 12:10:14 AM - started process bpbrm (28944)
1/7/2015 12:10:15 AM - connecting
1/7/2015 12:10:15 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
1/7/2015 12:10:24 AM - end writing
1/7/2015 12:14:03 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=28944) from client <SAPclient>: ERR - Script exited with status = 3 <valid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problems>
1/7/2015 12:14:03 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=28944) from client <SAPclient>: ERR - bphdb exit status = 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

1/7/2015 12:14:03 AM - Info bphdb(pid=28954) done. status: 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files
the backup failed to back up the requested files(6)


Someone knows about this error?

Too, someone have a instructive or link about how to create policies SAP online backups?






Partner    VIP   

A status 6 mean the script run by Netbackup did a failure. Likley not related to Netbackup

To debug the problem enable the Netbackup bphdb debug log on the client. See if the SAP admin can take a look in /oracle/SID/sapbackup ( I am asuming client is a UNIX host) and see what the output from brbackup was. brbackup is SAP backup tool.

It could be somthing trivial as a locked system account in SAP. The output from brbackup (or brarchive) can tell.

Level 6

The bphdb folder might also have an indication of what problem is and as always it can be an idea to run the script manually to see the error message rather than the exitcode

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 4

Hi Nicolai, thanks for your answer.

The logs say:

root@client_sap # cat backDB3.log
beeuqjlm pnd  2010-12-17 16.55.26  2010-12-17 16.55.43  3  . 43 . 0     0      3483        144626473        0                0  .............. ...... 7.10 (30)
beeuqjsg pnt  2010-12-17 16.58.22  2010-12-17 16.58.32  3  . 43 . 0     0      3483        144626473        0                0  ............ ............... ................ ...... 7.10 (30)
beeuqjxu pnt  2010-12-17 17.00.46  2010-12-17 17.19.44  0  . 43 . 0   158      3483        144626473     3483        144626473  NON_DB       online          tape             -----c 7.10 (30)
beposdax anf  2015-01-07 00.03.47  2015-01-07 00.03.48  3  .    . 0     0     0         0                0        0                0  ...... ............... ................ ...... 7.20 (36)
beposdyi anf  2015-01-07 00.13.56  2015-01-07 00.13.59  3  .    . 0     0     0         0                0        0                0  ...... ............... ................ ...... 7.20 (36)




Level 4

Hi Michael.

Now I check that. After I upgrade the result


Thanks for your answer.

Partner    VIP   

Can you attach the output from beposdyi.anf as a files ?

Do not paste as text because Connect anti spam system will block it.

Level 4

Hi Nicolai.

Attach that file.



Partner    VIP   

Bring this to the SAP/Oracle admin. The password for SYSTEM is not correct/changed. SAP tool brbackup is unable to connect to the database.

This is a SAP and not Netbackup related problem.

BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.20 (36)
BR0055I Start of database backup: beposdyi.anf 2015-01-07 00.13.56
BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: /oracle/DB3/sapbackup/beposdyi.anf
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-01-07 00.13.59
BR0301E SQL error -1017 at location BrDbConnect-2, SQL statement:
'CONNECT system/*******'
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
BR0310E Connect to database instance DB3 failed
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-01-07 00.14.02
BR0301E SQL error -1017 at location BrDbConnect-2, SQL statement:
'CONNECT system/*******'
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
BR0310E Connect to database instance DB3 failed

BR0056I End of database backup: beposdyi.anf 2015-01-07 00.13.59
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-01-07 00.14.02
BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors

Level 4

Perfect Nicolai, I'm going to modify the root's password and execute a manual backup.

Tomorrow or Monday I will update this ticket.

Very thanks


Partner    VIP   

its not the root password - it the SYSTEM password for the SAP system. SYSTEM is a application account and not a OS account.

The SAP script is started by root but a "su" (switch user) is run to ora<sid> that then does a SQL Connect to the database SYSTEM account. The system password has been changed or locked. Somebody may have changed it without notifying you.

Any trained SAP Basic specialist should be able to handle this in a second or two.


Level 4

Hi Nicolai.

I did a troubleshooting about this issue and the problem are in the BRtools, it isn't configured.

I'm working with to basic specialist.

When I have a solution or other problem I will upgrade this post.

