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Backup of Windows 2012R2 cluster LUNs

Level 4

Hi, I can need an advise,

Our Windows guys have built a 2 node Windows 2012R2 cluster on which they run several Virtual Fileservers.

In each fileserver a small LUN is configured (ie. drive D:), on this small LUN a few large LUNs are mounted containing the userdata (ie. D:\User1, D:\User2, etc.)
Per Virtual Fileserver we made a policy backing up D:, D:\User1, D:\User2, etc.)

These policies are running smooth except for 1: All jobs are hanging without any status message.
When we remove the small LUN from the policy it runs ok.


- What can cause the hang of the jobs, the cause has to be found somewere in the small LUN?
- Do we need to backup the small LUNs? Does it contain important data needed for Recovery? If not our problem is solved.



Level 5
Partner Accredited

Iam not familiar with Microsoft Clustering. But it looks strange to me to have ntfs-mounts instead of Drive-Letters as ressource. But maybe .

You should have policies for every virtual filesever of type MS-Windows containing only one V-Fileserver as Client and all Filesystems belonging to this fileserver.

For example client is Fileserver2 Backup selection is D:\User2

D:\ is underlying and not Part of filesystems of your virtuell Fileservers. I guess there are only the mountpoints on it. So you dont need a Backup from.

If there are extra Data on D:\ (except User1, User2...) you should have a policy backup up D:\; leave "Cross mount points" inticked an have both Clusternodes as clients.


Level 4


We have policies per Virtual Fileserver, ie.
Policy Win_D, client vfs01, backup selection D:, D:\User1, D:\User2, ... D:\User4
Policy Win_E, client vfs02, backup selection E:, E:\User1, E:\User2, ... E:\User4

We have 32 of these policies, all containing 4 DataLUNs mounted on the small LUN, and 1 policy containing 15 DataLUNs mounted on the small LUN. 32 plocies running ok and the latter not running ok. Maybe the number of mounts is the problem?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You will need bpbkar and bpfis logs on active node to see what the problem with particular volume is. We have seen in the past that backup was hanging, waiting for VSS snapshot. I suggest level 3 logs. Please upload logs as .txt files.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

O.K. I misunderstood.

If these small LUNs are shared and belong to the same servicegroup your settings of policies looks fine for me.

I think there is no need for backing up these small LUNs. All relevant data are in E:\User1 etc.

I can imagine that you have problems with vss of D: and vss of d:\userX and so on. So provide the logs as Marianne requested.