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Backup of Windows file server

Level 6


I'm having an issue with a clustered Windows file servers. The servers are two Windows 2008 servers. The Master server is a Solaris 10 server. I'm currently getting error 58 and error 59. This is usally a configureation error. I can ping the client from the master server. In the GUI Host Properties I get the error 46.


I'm a Solaris admin and not a windows admin so any help would be great.


Level 6

Log into both physical servers and check your NB config.

Make sure the master server and the media servers are all listed in the "additional servers" list for the client

(on a windows client go to the BAR and in the screen for Specify make sure that top window lists all master and media servers)  then try to access them from the console and verify they are all there.

Also verify on the client the client name in the BAR is the same as the physical server name.

Then you add the virtual server name to your policy, and when you try to access the properties of the virtual server name from the gui it should connect ok to which ever physical server currently has the resources.

Level 6

Thanks for replying.

The Windows admins did somthing to the servers and now I'm getting error 13 instead. Any ideas?

Level 6

have them check both forward and reverse dns entries for the client, the master , and the media servers.

both must resolve.

Level 6

We use the host file. I will have the windows team check it on there end. I already checked it on the UNIX server.

Level 5


Create a Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP Address for the 2 windows servers.

Add the virtual hostname in the backup policy.

Check NBU Services are running.

Master & Media servers entries has to be added in the client.