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Catalogs backup question

Level 4

Hello all,

I have a Netbackup 7.6 running on a Windows 2008, my tape library is attached to the storage and run backups only of it.

I have a weekly catalog backup running from my D$ to my F$ drives and everything is running fine, I just wanted to besides my catalog backup to F$ drive also to copy to a tape, rather to use the same tape every week.

How can I do it?

Thank you in advance.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Configure Staging schedule in the Storage Unit for your policy. 

I have mentioned Disk Staging in the post that you marked as Solution over here:

 Doubts about catalog 

I have also said in that post that once a week is not enough.

If you only have one tape in CatalogBackup pool, only one tape will be used for duplication.
Double check retention level in the policy - NBU will append to tape (similar to new image written on disk).

PLEASE download the manual that I have referred you to and start reading!

View solution in original post

Partner    VIP    Certified

mulitple ways

1) you can configure another catalog backup to tape ( if your catalog is large i dont recomment it)

2) configure the duplication for the catalog backup that you took to F drive

this duplication you can configure in multiple ways..

if F is configured as basic disk

1)  DSSU

2) inline tape copy

3) vault

if it other than basic disk

you can also use SLP to do the duplications.. 

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Configure Staging schedule in the Storage Unit for your policy. 

I have mentioned Disk Staging in the post that you marked as Solution over here:

 Doubts about catalog 

I have also said in that post that once a week is not enough.

If you only have one tape in CatalogBackup pool, only one tape will be used for duplication.
Double check retention level in the policy - NBU will append to tape (similar to new image written on disk).

PLEASE download the manual that I have referred you to and start reading!

Partner    VIP    Certified

mulitple ways

1) you can configure another catalog backup to tape ( if your catalog is large i dont recomment it)

2) configure the duplication for the catalog backup that you took to F drive

this duplication you can configure in multiple ways..

if F is configured as basic disk

1)  DSSU

2) inline tape copy

3) vault

if it other than basic disk

you can also use SLP to do the duplications.. 

Level 4

I have set up the staging schedule and everything ran really fine :) Thank you!

But, it used two tapes and I would like to use only one tape (the odd thing was that the second used tape remained on scratch volume pool, is it normal?)

How do I do to this job use only one tape? (the one that I have already assigned for this)

Here are some configuration:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpstulist -label Catalog_Backaup -U -g -verbose
<2>bpstulist: INITIATING: version NetBackup 7.6 created: 2013111314

Label:                Catalog_Backaup
Storage Unit Type:    Disk
Storage Unit Subtype: Basic (1)
Host Connection:
Concurrent Jobs:      1
On Demand Only:       yes
Max MPX:              1
Path:                 "F:\Catalog_Backup"
Max Fragment Size:    524288 MB
Stage data:           yes
Block Sharing:        no
High Water Mark:      98
Low Water Mark:       80
Ok On Root:           no
<2>bpstulist: EXIT status = 0

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbdevquery -listdp -stype BasicDisk -U -dp Catalog_Backaup
Disk Pool Name   : Catalog_Backaup
Disk Pool Id     : INValid
Disk Type        : BasicDisk
Status           : UP
Flag             : Patchwork
Flag             : SingleStorageServer
Flag             : AdminUp
Flag             : InternalUp
Flag             : SpanImages
Flag             : BasicStaging
Flag             : FragmentImages
Flag             : CatalogBackup
Flag             : Cpr
Flag             : RandomWrites
Flag             : FT-Transfer
Raw Size (GB)    : 100.00
Usable Size (GB) : 100.00
Num Volumes      : 1
High Watermark   : 98
Low Watermark    : 80
Max IO Streams   : -1
Comment          : Generic disk group
Storage Server   : (UP)