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Controlling UNIX Environment from Windows GUI

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Damnit - finger slipped onto ENTER before I'd finished putting in screen name+now can't change it! :p




Got a Netbackup environment running on UNIX only at the moment. Client wants to control using the Windows GUI rather than the UNIX Java one.

Do we need a Windows Media OR Master server to do this, or can I just run the Windows GUI and connect to a UNIX master/media server??


Presumably it will need a Windows Media server for the (Windows) installation of Netbackup?


Or is it as easy as just installing the client on a desktop and running from there? (Just connect to UNIX box IP address)


Plus - I guess even if it's that easy, we'll have to buy a Windows version of the software? No Windows client on the UNIX install disks, is there? Maybe there is...that's why I'm here I guess!


Any info much appreciated!


Thanks in advance...


Partner    VIP    Certified

You don't need to install any Windows media servers to control a Unix environment from a Windows desktop.


There are two Windows based admin consoles available:

- NetBackup Remote Administration Console for Windows

- NetBackup Java Console for Windows


...and both of these are completely separate from the Unix Java Admin Console (i.e. jnbSA).


Any of these three should be good for admin of your Unix env, althought some people have experienced problems in the past using the pure Windows admin console to admin a Unix env - so it's probably best for me to recommend using the Windows Java Admin console.

Level 6

You do not need to install windows media server to manage your environement.  You have two other choices -


1.)     Netbackup Java console - You install this on your local dekstop/laptop running Windows. You can find it on NetBackup for Windows CD/DVD. To make it work with UNIX master server, you must have a vaild user name, which exists on master and you need to update /usr/openv/java/auth.conf file to grant permissions to the particular user to access NetBackups. A typical entrt is




which means user root has FULL access. Admin Guide can provide you more details on different level of access. Keep in mind your master server version and Java console version should match. A java console of 6.0 version will not be able to manage master server running 6.5. Also, when you launch the Java console tour server name should match to the very first entry in your master's bp.conf file.


2.) You can use Windows Admin console - this works on a trust relationship between your master and the client/server running Admin console. This is also available on NBU for Windows CD/DVD. It gives your some extra capabilities over Java console but for Admin console to work you must have client name defined as SERVER = <client_name> in your bp.conf file. Basically, you are defining your laptop/desktop as a trusted server in NetBackup configuration, which can be a potential security risk. Also if your laptop and desktop are not uing dynamic IPs and not part of DNS, you will have to update hosts file every now and then.


Using Java console is better way but you have second option available too.