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Day Light Savings Time (DST) Issue / schedules do not start

Level 4

Hello All,

I need urgent help. Our local time zone has been changed lsat saturday night. The schedules worked fine in staurday and sunday nigth. But they didn't start monday and tuesday night. I've checked the nbpem and bpdbm logs. I've found the following errors. They look like it is DST issue.


has been abandoned because of execution of new job, will recalculate after job completes

has been abandoned because of policy modification, will recalculate

has been abandoned because of image expiration, will recalculate

[Error] V-116-266 call NBProxy::getStorageServices failed to nbproxy with status 2273/30/2009 20:57:34.322 [Info] V-116-22 stop called, nbpem terminating

V-116-284 [PemSubSystemMgr::systemShutdown] 0 seconds have passed since shutdown request, now starting phase Media Cleanup Manager

V-116-284 [PemSubSystemMgr::systemShutdown] 0 seconds have passed since shutdown request, now starting phase External Event



00:10:18.479 [5056.6560] <2> bprd: Created terminate event:"NetBackup Terminate Event, pid: 5056"

00:10:18.479 [5056.6560] <2> bprd: Created suspend event:"NetBackup Suspend Event, pid: 5056"

00:10:18.511 [5056.6560] <2> read_text_file: bprd.c.15023: vtext_close() v status = 0
00:10:18.511 [5056.6560] <2> read_text_file: bprd.c.15026: vtext_close() n status = 0
00:10:18.511 [5056.6560] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 0
00:10:18.636 [6980.4560] <2> is_disk_client_configured: db_cred_allowed(, 1) failed: 227
00:10:18.636 [6980.4560] <2> read_text_file: is_disk_client_configured( failed: 227
00:10:18.636 [6980.4560] <2> process_request: read_text_file failed - status = client is not validated to use the server (131)
00:10:18.636 [6980.4560] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 131

00:25:06.377 [7108.6388] <2> read_text_file: bprd.c.15023: vtext_close() v status = 0
00:25:06.377 [7108.6388] <2> read_text_file: bprd.c.15026: vtext_close() n status = 0
00:25:06.377 [7108.6388] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 0
00:25:06.455 [6280.3704] <2> is_disk_client_configured: db_cred_allowed(, 1) failed: 227
00:25:06.455 [6280.3704] <2> read_text_file: is_disk_client_configured( failed: 227
00:25:06.455 [6280.3704] <2> process_request: read_text_file failed - status = client is not validated to use the server (131)
00:25:06.455 [6280.3704] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 131

I've checked following technotes. But none of them is suitable for my problem.

Please advise.




Level 5
DST is a huge problem in NetBackup - there were already lots of bugfixes, but you seem to have found a new one.

Level 6
Perhaps your NetBackup problem has nothing to do with daylight saving time. We have time shift too, but have not faced any problems.

Level 6

Message: client is not validated to use the server

Explanation: The client name, as determined from the connection to the server, did not match any client name in the NetBackup configuration and there was no altnames configuration for this client on the master server. A client and server that have multiple network connections can encounter this problem if the name by which the client is configured is not the one by which its routing tables direct connections to the server.

I agree with Anton.  Does not appear to be DST issue.