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Different Time in Catalog VS Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects and Catalog

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Different Time in Catalog VS Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects and Catalog



Veritas Netbackup Server = version 7.01

Veritas Netbackup Client  = version 7.01


I want to restore a SQL backup. What i have mostly found that when i insert Tape Cartridge in the Tape Drive and search Catalog i found the below result a different time(see snap 1) with when i browse the SQL backup for restore from the client machine where i want to restore the backup have a different time(see snap 2).


I mean from client machine i see different time and from Netbackup Server in Catalog i see a different time of same backup



( Snap 1 )



( Snap 2 )


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Time synchonization?

Do you have a server with NTP configured in your network?

Partner    VIP    Accredited


i have an Active Directory environment (win2008 Sever) and the Netbackup Server is the client of AD

Level 6

- used to synchronise computer clock times over a network. Generally, one server could be classed as your NTP server which regulalry updates it's clock time via external sources. Your other computers on your network could then utilise NTP to update their clock times from that one server.

Basically, Mouse wants to confirm that there are no time discrepancies between your servers (Master/Media/Client) that could possibly account for the differeences that you are seeing.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

NTP = Network Time Protocol that will sync the date/time on all AD members.


**** EDIT *****

SNAP! That's what happens if you take too long to hit Save!

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Thanks all for your kind replies.

So the time should be same between BAR window and the Netbackup Catalog (which i asked in my question).

If there is any time difference thn that should be the problem of time sync ?

Level 6

into the future....

Don't sweat time differences of a few seconds or even minutes. Just remember the catalog is always right...relatively speaking. Now if you get more than 300 seconds off then you may have some timeout issues.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Thanks for your kind reply. Correct me if i am wrong.

If you see the snap1 and snap2 above in my first post does not it mean that the Restore MS SQL Server Objects window pick the time from the Netbackup Server Catalog to show which DB backups are available of which time. Or from where the Restore MS SQL Server Objects picks the time of DB backups ?



if the Restore MS SQL Server Objects  picks the DB images time from the Catalog thn why there is a time difference

Level 6

You pick the images from the client. You initiate the restore from the client. The master server will select the correct image to restore from what you select on the client.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Note : I have a Standalone Tape Drive

Actually Stumpr i see the backup images from Catalog because i want to see the Tape Cartridge on which the respective backup exist thn i go to the Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects and try to see the backup which i want to restore but at that time and day(the time and date which i saw in Catalog) the Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects shows no Backup and the backup exist a bit different time, some times in Seconds and some times in Minutes under Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects.

My problem is why the time is different of same Backup in Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects and Catalog although both (Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects and Catalog)  accessing the same backup of SQL and i also cross check that the time is also same at Client and Netbackup Server.


Is that possible that i can cross check the backup time of Netbackup and the NBU Clients a specific day.(for example 3 days earlier). So the point will be more clear that yes the Netbackup Server and the NBU client time was wrong at the time of backup 

Level 6

My guess and it's just a guess is that NetBackup SQL works similiar to RMAN as an API. The actual backup and restore functions are done in the RMAN/SQL backup software and NetBackup simply supplies the media to write to instead  of a local disk. On the client you see the SQL time and then there is a delay for the commands to propagate through the API to the NetBackup. Again this is just an educated guess. I have guessed wrong many times except for the duck pond where everyone is a winner.