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Drive in AVR mode

Level 5

Hi All,

We use NetBackup version 6. with autoloader and have only one tape drive. Recently we had an issue and SCSI controller and power supply has been replaced. After configuring these we have a problem that the drive status is AVR.


I can able to see mediam changers and tape drives in OS level. tpautoconf -r is successfull

D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>tpautoconf -r
TPAC60 HP      1x8 autoloader  1.50 MXA061502Y 3 0 5 1 Changer0 - -


Not sure what needs to be done in this case



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Drive in AVR means one of 2 things:

  1. No comms with robot
  2. Drive configured as Standalone.

Please run following from cmd and post output:

(both commands in <install-path>\veritas\volmgr\bin)

tpconfig -l



Level 5

Please find the outputs

D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive                 Device

Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name                  Path

robot      0    -    TLD    -       -  -          -                     {3,0,5,1
  drive    -    0 hcart3    1      UP  -          HP.Ultrium3-SCSI.000  {3,0,5,0


D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
*********************** SDT_OPTICAL ************************
Device Name  : "Tape0"
Passthru Name: "Tape0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 3; Bus: 0; Target: 5; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 3-SCSI  G54W"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 3-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "G54W"
Serial Number: "HU10611604"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 16
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Changer0"
Passthru Name: "Changer0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 3; Bus: 0; Target: 5; LUN: 1
Inquiry    : "HP      1x8 autoloader  1.50"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "1x8 autoloader  "
Product Rev: "1.50"
Serial Number: "MXA061502Y"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "HP      1x8 autoloader  MXA061502Y"
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 1
Number of Slots  : 8
Number of Media Access Ports: 0
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU10611604"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0



Level 5

Hi Maria,


AVR status has been overcomed by reconfiguring the robot


Now my all backups are failing with 800 error


6/15/2012 3:45:27 PM - Error nbjm(pid=1888) NBU status: 800, EMM status: The robotic library is not defined in EMM
resource request failed(800)


Please let me know how to define the robotic library in EMM

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Was NBU or Media Management restarted after re-config?

If that does not help - might be best to delete devices (this might move tapes to stand-alone), restart NBU.
Then run device config wizard again, followed by restart of NBU. (wizard will prompt for restart - answer Yes).
Run Inventory.



If a drive is in AVR status the most common resolution is to recycle the media server that controls it.

If there is an underlying issue it should be resolved first, but you will most likely have to stop and start netbackup to refresh it.


NetBackup on Flex 5360, duplicating via SLP to Access 3350, duplicating via SLP to LTO8 in SL8500 via ACSLS

Level 6


I encountered this issue once, the workaround for my issue is robot is unable to communicate with Drives.

Try the robtest and scan command for this issue