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Facing issue on Vault ...It should show suffix L1 or L2 or L3

Level 5

I had a query on vault...My Master Server is 6.5

below is vault picking list:

105990 - Picking List


   DA0037        114 10/18/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0093        119 10/18/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0389        308 10/19/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0407        311 10/19/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0462        317 10/20/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0471        323 10/20/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0672        129 10/17/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0749        338 10/21/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0792        136 10/17/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA0843        138 10/18/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU
   DA1060        351 10/21/2012        482 10/24/2012  HCART3      NBU

Now here i would like to know the FULL Media ID which should have suufix L1 or L2 or L3

There is one more Master Server which is showing the full Media Id with suffix....

105546 NBU3 AILTO 001 - Vault


            2 GD0095L2 10/17/2011 10/15/2012      NBU
            4 GD0106L2 09/05/2012 10/05/2012      NBU
            6 GD0021L2 03/26/2012 03/25/2013      NBU
            7 GD0060L2 10/31/2011 10/29/2012      NBU
            8 GD0218L2 09/25/2011 09/24/2012      NBU
            9 GD0051L2 08/25/2012 09/24/2012      NBU
Please help me


Level 5

vm.conf file

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS = 0 8 1:2:3:4:5:6

Level 6
Employee Accredited

This is caused by the rule :

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS = 0 8 1:2:3:4:5:6

NBU has been told to use the first 6 characters of the barcode for the media id.

I presume that the library shows the barcode as DA1060xx (xx = L1/ 2/ 3).  If the llibrary only displays the first 6 characters of the barcode, this would be as additionaly problem which will cause issues if you change it.

NBU can only have 6 characters as the media ID, this cannot be increased.

Your option is to have the first 6 or last 6 characters of the barcode so ... if the bacode is :

DA1060L4  you could have the media id as 

DA1060   or  1060L4


As you have tapes with data with the first 6 chatracters of the barcode as the media id, I woulod leave it.  You cannot change the media id of an assigned volume (tape with data on it) and you do nbot want to end up with some tapes with one format of media id, and some tapes with another format - this would not be recommended.

barcodes/ media ids need to be sorted out when an environment is designed.  They should not be changed after the environment has gone live.



Level 5

I agree with your point but my question is Why its showing GD0051L2 on another Master Server... though 6 charater are defined.....

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

On both master servers do you actaully see the full barcode shown for the tapes?

Some tape libraries default to short barcodes and so NetBackup never actually sees the full barcode

If this is the case you could change the configuration of the library but would then need to change the barcode of every tape within NetBackup!

Level 6

What is the source of the second report, the one that shows 8 characters for "MEDIA"?  It's in a different format that the Vault Picking List.  It's possible you found a report with a mis-labeled column that should read "BARCODE" instead of "MEDIA". 

Level 6
Employee Accredited
I didn't know about the other master when I made my first post. However, if the other master is showing 8, then are we totly sure this is not a report showing the barcode ? The media id is always 6 characters, so as Ron says there is a possibility that the the report is mislabeled. Perhaps you could post the report from the second server along with the headings. However, regarding the first server I suspect my answer is still correct, and in fact if there is a problem it is on the 2nd sever if you are looking at the same report. Martin

Level 5

I have doubled checked but it seems the report is not mislabeled.


Please find the below output on which its showing suffix L2 or L3...


   10/26/2012   ENVIRONMENT: NBU3 UNIX SOURCE: 105546 DESTINATION:    Page: 1
                AL NBU3

        Robot: TLD(0) Vault: LTO Profile: Production
        Vendor: Iron Mountain   Session ID: 1481

                xxxxx_105546 NBU3 AILTO 001 - Distribution List


           30 GD0370L2 11/25/2012      2   5617      NBU YES
           42 GD0421L2 11/25/2012      4  73348      NBU YES
          176 GD0440L2 11/24/2012      5   1736      NBU YES
          182 GD0043L2 11/09/2012      2  21985 New CTLG YES


                                Number of Media: 4
                           MBytes for all media: 102684
                       Image count on all media: 13

              Number of images for this session: 11
                        MBytes for this session: 101964

          Number of images not for this session: 2
@xxxx: pwd


   10/26/2012   ENVIRONMENT: NBU3 UNIX SOURCE: 105546 DESTINATION:    Page: 1
                AL NBU3

        Robot: TLD(0) Vault: LTO Profile: Production
        Vendor: Iron Mountain   Session ID: 1481

                ASPRD134_105546 NBU3 AILTO 001 - Picking List


   GD0009L2         89 10/11/2012       1481 10/26/2012   HCART New CTLG
   GD0271L2         52 09/24/2012       1481 10/26/2012   HCART      NBU
   GD0478L2         82 09/25/2012       1481 10/26/2012   HCART      NBU


                                Number of Media: 3


   10/26/2012   ENVIRONMENT: NBU3 UNIX SOURCE: 105546 DESTINATION:    Page: 1
                AL NBU3

        Robot: TLD(0) Vault: LTO Profile: Production
        Vendor: Iron Mountain   Session ID: 1481

                ASPRD134_105546 NBU3 AILTO 001 - Vault


            1 GD0027L2 10/20/2012 11/19/2012      NBU
            2 GD0179L2 10/16/2012 11/17/2012      NBU
            3 GD0186L2 10/18/2012 11/21/2012      NBU
            4 GD0090L2 10/07/2012 11/06/2012      NBU
            5 GD0078L2 10/23/2012 11/24/2012      NBU
Please let me know if there is any suggestions...

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

The above reports are most definately using the Barcode field, not Media Id field.

As Martin's post: 
NBU can only have 6 characters as the media ID, this cannot be increased.

Please do the following on both masters:

vmquery -a -w |awk '{print $1 " " $4}'

Copy & paste a couple of lines from each master server.
Col 1 is Media Id, Col 4 is Barcode.

Level 5

Below is the output of the Master Server which is showing suffix..

@asprd134: ./vmquery -a -w |awk '{print $1 " " $4}'
media barcode
ID barcode
GD0000 GD0000L2
GD0001 GD0001L2
GD0002 GD0002L2
GD0003 GD0003L2
GD0004 GD0004L2
GD0005 GD0005L2

On another Master Server


@xxxx: ./vmquery -a -w |awk '{print $1 " " $4}'
media barcode
ID barcode
A00000 -
DF0000 DF0000L4
DF0001 DF0001L4
DF0002 DF0002L4
DF0003 DF0003L4
DF0004 DF0004L4
DF0005 DF0005L4
DF0006 DF0006L4
DF0007 DF0007L4


Not able to see any difference....


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You can see that Media Id is 6 chars. Barcode field is 8 chars.

One master server displays the Media Id field and the other master displays the Barcode field.

I do not have an explanation for this - probably different NBU versions?

Check NBU and patch version on both masters:

cat /usr/openv/netbackup/version

PS: Are you aware of the fact that NBU 6.x reached EOSL 4 weeks ago?

Level 5

We are in the process to upgrade it to 7.0.....On both Master Server version is same 6.5.3.....

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I have no explanation of why one master server displays the Media Id field and the other master the Barcode field....

Hopefully both servers will display same fields after the upgrade.

PS: Please rather upgrade to 7.1 or 7.5:


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

What do your vault policies have in their directives?

There was a -legacy option that could be used to display reports in the "old" format - just wondering if this has crept in somewhere along the line causing the difference, especially as the headers do look different.

Or maybe vault profile is newer than the other (one was upgraded from V5 or earlier where as the other is a fresh V6 profile?)