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Full backup report via email per day, including backup to media server and SLP duplication

Level 3

Hello, I am trying to find a way to know at a glance how the previous nights backups went, as well as have something for auditing purpose to prove that the overall health of backups is monitored. My current setup is clients backup to media server, which duplicates, via SLP. Is there a way to get a consolidated daily report, for just this policy, that shows backup finish codes, as well as some kind of confirmation that duplication succeeded? If not, what is the closest I can get to this? I currently have every subjob of the policy giving me a status (for example each disk of each client in the policy sends an email), so I'm hoping to try and cut down on the number of emails, why also incorporating the duplication information.

Thank you!


Level 5

USE ops-centre..

Level 4

As Ankit mentioned, Opscenter will do the trick.


There is a report template: Tabular Backup Report which will provide report of all backup data (size, start time, status code etc) by client. You can customise it according to your requirement, and schedule it to run at your preferred time. It can also email you the report after running it.