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Level 4
I have this problem with netbackup 5.0 MP3 (win 2000 server sp4).
I have installed a pc in a parallel forest. With my master server (my backup server) I can ping the machine in the parallel forest.
I have put in file lmhost the match between ip adress and netbios name.
I have created a new policy con my machine in the parallel forest.
When I click in the HOST PROPERTIES --> CLIENT my pc (in the forest parallel) i look this error: INVALID ERROR NAME
In START --> RUN when I type: \\ (IP adress of my machine in the parallel forest) I ping normally and also: \\restorexs (net bios name of my machine) the ping is normally.
The problem is netbackup of my network?

thank's a lot.


Level 4
I'm sorry I don't know what a parrallel forest is, but, if you want to test the connection between NBU machines, use the command :
-ip (ip_address)
-hn (hostname)
-sv (get version)
-pn (get master name)
This can also be used to see on which NIC a client machine answers.


Level 4
Sorry, practically for parallel forest I mean another domain.
Therefore the question is: Can I make backup (and restore) with a master server that is not in the same domain of the client?

thank's a lot.

Level 4
I have checked but I have not this utility ( bpclntcmd). Between two machines (that are in different domain and not trusted) there are no firewall .

thank's a lot

Level 6
bpclntcmd is explained in the troubleshooting guide:

Using bpclntcmd
The bpclntcmd utility resolves IP addresses into host names and host names into IP addresses by using the same system calls as the NetBackup application software. The command that starts the utility is located in the following directory:

install_path\NetBackup\bin (Windows)
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin (UNIX)

NOTE: On Windows, run this command in an MS-DOS command window so you can see the results.
bpclntcmd options that are useful for testing the functionality of the host name and IP address resolution are -ip, -hn, -sv and -pn. The following topics explain each of these options:
bpclntcmd -ip IP_Address
The -ip option allows you to specify an IP address. bpclntcmd uses gethostbyaddr() on the NetBackup node and gethostbyaddr() returns the host name with the IP address as defined in the node’s DNS, WINS, NIS, or local hosts file entries. No connection is established with the NetBackup server.

bpclntcmd -hn Hostname
The -hn option allows you to specify a host name. bpclntcmd uses gethostbyname() on the NetBackup node to obtain the IP address associated with the host name defined in the node's DNS, WINS, NIS, or local hosts file entries. No connection is established with the NetBackup server.
You can use the -ip and -hn options to verify the ability of a NetBackup node to resolve the IP addresses and host names of other NetBackup nodes. For example, you can verify that a NetBackup server can connect to a client. In this case, the steps are:

1. On the NetBackup server, use bpclntcmd -hn to verify that the operating system can resolve the host name of the NetBackup client (as configured in the client list for the policy) to an IP address. The IP address is then used in the node's routing tables to route a network message from the NetBackup server.

2. On the NetBackup client, use bpclntcmd -ip to verify that the operating system can resolve the IP address of the NetBackup server (the IP address is in the message that arrives at the client’s network interface).
bpclntcmd -pn

When run on a NetBackup client, the -pn option initiates an inquiry to the NetBackup master server, and the server then returns information to the requesting client. First, bpclntcmd identifies the server to which it is making the request (on Windows systems, this is the Current Server in the server list), then it displays the information that the server returns.

For example:
bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server dove 57141
expecting response from server is the master server entry from the server list on the client. is the connection name (peername) returned by the master server. The master server obtained this name through gethostbyaddress().
dove is the client name configured in the NetBackup policy client list. is the IP address of the client connection at the master server.
57141 is the port number of the connection on the client.
bpclntcmd -sv
The -sv option displays the NetBackup version number on the master server.Message was edited by:
Bob Stump

Level 5
You could also simply use nslookup on the master/media server and input the netbios name and then the ip address of the client. If that returns the correct information about the client then go to the client and run nslookup using the netbios name and ip address of the master. More than likely one of those commands will return an error or no information.

Level 4
Thank's Bob and thank's at all.
I have resolved my problem with utility bpclntcmd. I have inset in file HOST ip adress and the DNS name.

Thank's !!!!