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IP addresses instead of hostnames in VMware Policy Client Browse Windows

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

Hello all,

Master Server and Media Server/Backup Host are Windows 2008 R2.


When I browse to select a virtual machine on a NB policy, I see IP addresses instead of hostnames. It happens with almost all virtual machines. There is some blank hostname, I suppose because VM tools are not installed. Others VM have IP address on the "hostname" field.

I found this TN:

it doesn't help me because it happens when reverse resolution works fine too. I tried to put a vm hostname in the backup host hosts file, but no change.

Thanks and have a nice day.


Level 3

Hello DDM2,


Within your VM Policy, under the attributes > Snap Client > Options; did you set it to VM Dispay Name?  That is what we use in our policies and names don't seem to be an issue.


Now if you mean to say when you are browsing the client under the selection list, then no there isn't a way to change that. It is how the information was parsed from the vCenter host.  I see it sometimes too, but ignore it when under the Display Name is what I expect to see.  BTW, have you thought about switching to VIP's?  So instead of selecting guest, you just tell NBU to query against vCenter for the list of clients to backup?

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

I have "VM Display Name" as "Client Name Selection".

Thanks for your answer. Just I would understand why NetBackup can't see vm's hostnames while IP resolution works.