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Incremental with 2 week retention stay in database after expiration

Level 4


it seems we have more problems than success with our Netbackup 7.0.1 installation.

Our newest problem: We have incremental backups running with a 2 week retention. The tapes expire after 2 weeks and are moved to scratch. This seems to be ok. But when we look in the "Backup, Archive and Restore" application we still see the incremental backups from 3 weeks and before. If we try to start a restore from this older restore point we can see  in the created job that Netbackup tries to accuire a tape which is already in the scratch store. It seems to be a database error. Is this a known problem?

Best regards



Level 6

I would log a call with Symantec, seems like you have some database inconsistencies.

Media cleanup ok but image database isn't reflecting same - have you seen any errors with image cleanup?


Maybe try nbdelete -allvolumes -force

***EDIT #2***

There is the following but I'm not sure how relevant it is:

BUG REPORT: DSSU duplications fail after upgrading a Windows master server to 7.0.1. Image Cleanup completes (Status 0) but is not expiring images.

Note:  This package is intended to address a specific condition or issue within an environment which meets the criteria documented above.  DO NOT install this package if your environment is not experiencing the specific issue or does not match the criteria in which the issue could occur.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
See below link of TN. It will help you.
This is the extract of above link:-
There are a few reasons why bpexpdate -deassignempty may not be running.
Check the following:
1. View the contents of the file:
<install path>\Netbackup\bin\bpsched.d\CHECK_EXPIRED_MEDIA_INTERVAL
The contents of CHECK_EXPIRED_MEDIA_INTERVAL should be 12. If it is 0, bpexpdate -deassignempty will not run.
2. Check for the existence of the file:
<install path>\Netbackup\bin\NOexpire
NOexpire disables all image and tape expiration.
3.  Check if the system clock has been set ahead at any point:
There are two files which contain the last time bpexpdate -deassignempty ran:
<install path>\NetBackup\db\jobs\pempersist2 or pempersist2.cond, if it exists.
<install path>\Netbackup\bin\bpsched.d\last_time_expired_media

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Try this it may help you


(sorry for duplicate post. How can i delete it)