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Inventory failed

Not applicable

Hi All,

My master server and media server is running with 6.5.6 (AIX)

When the tapes are loaded, I am trying to do inventory from master server(Java console)

I am getting error as "unable to get record from tldcd: A connection with a remote socket was reset by that socket. (73), stat=-3"


Robotic inventory is connected to media server, so i tried to do inventory from media server,

There I am getting the below error and the tapes are not getting updated in the library,


Updating volume configuration ...

Processing existing media added to or moved within the robotic library by
logically moving media as follows...
        Media ID        Slot
        ========        ====

Update failed: move in of media S00422 to new slot 42
Change residence failed for S00422
robotic volume position is already in use (37)


Please help me to fix this issue ASAP.


Thanks in Advance!



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seems someone has manually moved tapes around?

Seems S00422 is now in slot 42, but NBU thinks another tape is in slot 42.

First try to see how many discrepancies there are before we offer advice.

Please run the following command on the media server and post the output-file as File attachment:

vmcheckxxx -rt <robot_type> -rn <robot_number> -rh <robot_host> -h <EMM_server>

vmcheckxxx -rt tld -rn 0 -rh <media> -h <master>  > /tmp/robot.txt

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hmm, I wonder if it is slight worse than that, Marianne is right I think, tapes have [robably been manually moved about but I think it is the library that is also confused.

After all, the idea of an inventory is to update NBU with the positions of the tapes:

Eg.  NBU asks the library, where are all the tapes

And the library responds tape1 is in slot1, tape2 is in slot2 etc ...


I suspect that if you force the library itself to inventory (probably possible from the libbrary console), or open close the main door, or powercycle ...

... then you run the NBU inventory you will find it works fine.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Also, based on the TNs mentioned above run vmquery -a and attach the output to this post.