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Storage units need to be recreated after Master server changed?

Level 4

I need to move my environment to a new clustered Master server. WWN  for the tape drives and robots will stay the same.  I have two questions:

1.Do I need to recreate storage units for the Media servers after that? If I change the bp.conf and restart the NBU processes, these will autmatically put my storage units controlled by new Master server snad Media server?

2. If the robot number changed -- previous TLD 0 became TLD1, previour TLD1 became TLD 0. Does this matter?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Best to delete existing devices and re-run device config. If robot numbers have changed, you will have to re-config STU's as well (and STU's in policies). 

Please remember to fail over to 2nd node and run Device Config wizard again.

.... If I change the bp.conf  .....

What do you want to change in bp.conf?

Level 4

I know the new Master server need to have device reconfigured and failover to configure the other node. How about the Media servers? Do I need to delete devices and re-run device configure, rebuild the drives on all Media servers? This is a long process and I have more than 60 Media servers.

I changed the bp.conf on all Media servers by puting new Master server ( Virtual name)on the first line and also changed EMM server to new Master server ( Virtual name).

Level 6
Employee Accredited

How exactly have you moved the environment to the new master ?

What method did you use to bring across all the old images for example, did you run a catalog recovery ?


Level 4

I built new Clustered Master server then manually created Vpools/policies/storage units on Master server. I can not do catalog import since a single node Master server's catolog can not be imported into Culstered Master server with different name ( unless you use prefossional service ). When I need to restore, I will manually run two step image import procedures then do restore.

Since to media server, only the Master server's name changed, I am wondering if I need to rebuild the storage units. I am assuming the NUB process restarting can let it detect the new Master server and put the storage units under new Master server control. But I am not sure if I am right.Thanks!

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I built new Clustered Master server then manually created Vpools/policies/storage units on Master server. 

Best is to run the Device Config wizard after the installation. This will add devices and storage unit(s).

Since to media server, only the Master server's name changed, I am wondering if I need to rebuild the storage units

No device config or STU config is stored on media server - only in the EMM database on the master server. This means you need to recreate devices and STU's.

Level 4

Do I need to delete the existing devices before creating new ones? Do I need to rerun sg.conf?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What existing devices?

A NEW clustered master server will have BLANK (empty) EMM database.

As per my previous post - device config is not stored on the media server(s) - it is stored in EMM database on the master server.

If you did not perform catalog recovery, you need to recreate devices and Storage Units.