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Issue trying to start a Point in Time BMR Recovery

Level 6
Hello I am attempting to start a BMR Point in Time Recovery. I know the image is valid and its a FULL. I go to BMR Clients, select the client, select New Client Configuration, type in ServerName-Month , Retrieve Point in Time Configuration select policy and date and click OK It then comes back with an error "The Requested operation could not be completed. The Server returned code 1. Looking in the BMRD logs 0,51216,119,119,2,1354841718196,8780,4188,0:,143:'C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername(removed) -X -e 1319205656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20,38:bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration(),1 0,51216,119,119,3,1354841718197,8780,4188,0:,53:bplist failed to retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20,38:bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration(),1 0,51216,119,119,4,1354841718197,8780,4188,0:,53:output is: EXIT STATUS 20: invalid command parameter ,38:bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration(),1 The Server is Windows but the BMR has selected type 0 (standard) . the -e date doesnt seem correct format and I dont think the -X is even a command. If I do this manually c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bplist -B -t 13 -C servername(removed) -R -e 10/21/2011 -PI -nt_files bundle.dat C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\BareMetal\client\data\bundle.dat Netbackup Master Server , Win2008R2 , BMR Server is also Win2008R2 So it looks like the command being issued by the BMR is incorrect. Anyone seen this or know of a fix. I have also checked on the BMR Setup c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bmrsetupmaster [Info] V-127-41 Setting up BMR Database ... [Info] V-127-57 Nothing to setup. Performing BMR DB upgrade. Verifying the running version of BMRDB ... BMRDB version verified. Nothing to upgrade. Version unchanged. Database [BMRDB] validation successful. [Info] V-127-66 Setting up BMR master server completed successfully.

Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Hi Mandar

Sorry I have been really busy and client was pushing to get the restore done so we have gone the non BMR restore route by building a new server, restoring files and then the system state over the top. This has worked fine. Thanks for your assistance. This thread can be locked.



View solution in original post


Level 6

It is actually possible to select which backup image you want to restore with at the very last stage of the restore procedure, after booting up the restore enviornment (via PXE or boot media).
Just select an older image than that from the latest backup, then effectively you'd still be doing a PIT (Point In Time) restore.
So maybe give this a try instead of trying to change PIT settings in a new client configuration.

Does that make PIT settings in the new client configuration redundant? Yes and no....
If there has been hardware changes between two backups, then BMR would have associated different hardware device drivers for the backups.
The idea behind PIT settings in the new client configuration is for Nbu to automatically populate the config with the correct hardware device driver mappings for you.
If your drivers haven't changed between BMR backups, then you don't really have to worry about doing the PIT settings here; besides, you could do the driver mapping by hand anyway.

As for the error, maybe someone else could help answer that...

Level 6

Thanks for the feedback. Will give it a try soon and see how it goes. The only thing that worries me is if it tried the same bplist command at the end of the Job instead of the start and gives the same error. Will advise.




Level 6

Can you provide bmrd (119) debug log generated on your master server? You can replace your server names in the file before you attach. First I am wondering why bplist with -t 13 was not fired first to try retrieving the bundle.dat file?



Level 6

There is more but its much the same over and over. I tried with 3 different servers with the same reults.

C:\Users\simon>vxlogview -a -p 51216 -o 119

7/12/2012 08:54:14.098 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to

 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 08:54:14.098 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 08:55:18.032 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 08:55:18.032 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 08:55:18.196 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] 'C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername(removed) -X -e 131920
5656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20
7/12/2012 08:55:18.196 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] 'C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername(removed) -X -e 131920
5656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20
7/12/2012 08:55:18.197 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to
 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 08:55:18.197 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 08:55:18.197 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to
 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 08:55:18.197 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:25:40.821 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:25:40.975 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] 'C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername(removed) -X -e 131920
5656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20
7/12/2012 10:25:40.975 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to
 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 10:25:40.975 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:38:11.190 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:38:11.349 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] 'C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername2(removed) -X -e 132041
5219 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20
7/12/2012 10:38:11.350 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to
 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 10:38:11.350 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:38:34.579 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

7/12/2012 10:38:34.732 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] 'C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 0 -C servername3(removed) -X -e 132042
4919 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat' failed, rc=20
7/12/2012 10:38:34.733 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] bplist failed to
 retrieve bundle.dat file path. rc=20
7/12/2012 10:38:34.733 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] output is: EXIT
STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

Level 6

I just wondering. There should be atleast one command with policy type as 13 in your bmrd log. As bplist shows -nt_files option, first bmrd tries to retrieve the file using ms_windows policy (13) if it fails then it gives another try with value 0 which we are seeing in above log.

"C:\Program File
s\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -t 13..."

I am interested to see status of bplist -t 13...command line o/p.



Level 6

That was in my original Post


c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bplist -B -t 13 -C servername(removed) -R -e 10/21/2011 -PI -nt_files bundle.dat

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\BareMetal\client\data\bundle.dat

If I use the one the BMR is trying just changing the "-t 0" to -t 13"

C:\Users\simon>"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist" -t 13 -C servername(removed) -X -e 1319205656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat
EXIT STATUS 20: invalid command parameter

If I then remove the "-X" as I dont think that is valid

C:\Users\simon>"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist" -t 13 -C servername(removed) -e 1319205656 -nt_files -PI -I bundle.dat
Invalid end date: 1319205656
EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usage


Level 6

I understand it works giving -t 13 and run bplist manually. My point is, a bplist command line with -t 13 also should be executed by bmrd first during PIT config restore. And I want to check if your bmrd log file shows this command fired with -t 13. If config retrieval fails with -t 13 then only bmr tries with -t 0 as fall-back.

So far the bmrd log snippet pasted by you shows bptlist output fired with -t 0.

If possible attach whole bmrd log file here.



Level 6

See attached.

Interestingly, we tried to connect via a Java GUI from a remote system, went to do the same thing, but the Java GUI could not see any images from 2011 (we are trying to restore one from 21/Oct/2012.

When the tried to do a BMR New PIT restore from the oldest one the Java GUI could see and that then worked correctly.

I then tried the same thing again from the Windows Admin Window and it can see every backup image. I tried to do a PIT restore from the oldest image the Java GUI could see and the BMR started correctly (but then wanted a tape which we dont have loaded) so you will see some 150 errors in the logs.

The system in question was updated from 7.0.1 -> but the images we are talking abount are from Oct 2011 so I dont think versions coime into it.

(09/01/10 17:04:55) Installed Veritas NetBackup 6.5.6 (6.5 Release Update 6) (NB_65_6_U)
(03/02/11 11:58:37) Installed Symantec NetBackup 7.0.1 (7.0 Release Update 1) (NB_70_1_U)
(03/02/11 15:23:05) Installed EEB_NetBackup_7.0.1_PET2107011_SET2106924_EEB5
(12/06/11 09:01:07) Installed EEB_NetBackup_7.0.1_PET2269969_SET2271100_EEB1
04/04/12 14:10:19 Installed Symantec NetBackup (7.1 Release Update 0 HotFix 4) (NB_71_0_4_H)

Level 6

I forgot to mention that you need to enable debug level 6 before generating the logs. Also curernt logs are pretty mixed up with multiple tries and logging is also insufficient.

Enable debug level to 6 in nblog.conf file. Move the existing log files to a bkup folder and fire single PIT try using your windows GUI.

Regarding JAVA GUI not showing older images, i do see some problem with JAVA GUI behavior. This is not related to BMR. I am quite not sure here what is going wrong in case of java gui to show older images.

So generate fresh vxlog as mentioned above and attach here.



Level 6

Hi Mandar

Sorry I have been really busy and client was pushing to get the restore done so we have gone the non BMR restore route by building a new server, restoring files and then the system state over the top. This has worked fine. Thanks for your assistance. This thread can be locked.

