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[Master] Dennis Strom (1240)

Level 6

Level 6
Y'all are just so darn trendy with your Master status n' stuff. =) Congrats!

Level 6
I had a window open from yesterday and he was in the 570 or 670 range, I think 600 + points is cool to get if you can do it in one day!


cool if its true!

Level 6
Expert - Bob Stump?

It appears as though symantec is going thru old posts and awarding points for questions that were marked as "answered" but did not have points awarded.
W O W!

Level 6
Bob is the Cup Master!

Level 6
I wish they would go through all of our stuff ;(

Level 6
If that is the case then expect Jeffrey Redington to become a "master"

Level 6
Holy Kow!
400+ points for Bob ...
600+ points for Dennis ...

That's friggin awesome!

Grats Bob AND Dennis!

Now I'm just wondering why Dennis hasn't jumped up in the rankings ... He should be right behind Bob now ...

Level 6
K is for Kow!Message was edited by:
James Dunn

Level 6

Level 6
I dunno,
It seems the explosion is over???
why were only Dennis and me the ones that mysteriously got 600 points?
My theory that symantec is awarding points to posts that are marked as answered but no points were rewarded by the poster must be wrong.
This has the look of some "hack" job that is only occuring in the "Netbackup" forum.
I haven't seen any extra points in the BackupExec or DR forums where I have posted..

Level 6
You know, that reminds me ...
I saw someone get bumped about 150 points last Friday and couldn't find where it came from ...
But then the bump went away a couple days later ...

Very odd ...

Level 6
I think its funny!

It shows how messed up this site gets, Bob knows, remeber early last year, this is before your time David, we had seen instances double the points given! Maybe its the same thing,

What the heck, Master Cupper for a day or two! Cheers to Bob and Dennis!

Level 6
Now if I can just get that job offer before the cup goes away. LOL

Level 6
Bob, when you receive your trophy Expert Cup in the mail, what are you going to do with it?

You should have an event like a Stanley Cup party ;)

Top suggestions:
Cup molded Jello
Champagne in the Cup
Cereal in the Cup
Lines of people for pictures with the Cup
Bathing small infants in the Cup
Take the Cup for a motorcycle ride down I94

Ooo, you could take it to West Coast Customs and have them make a hood ornament out of it!! That'd be pimpin!!

Level 6
take a screen print of it and email it to all you friends!

Level 6
I say you wear it as a helmet, attach horns to it and get a short bus... If you can't swing the bus then just get a "Big-Wheel." That'll show em.

Level 6
I think we should have a 10CC marathon

To our rally come along
Come along to our rally
Come along to our rally come along
To our rally come along
Come along to our rally
Come along to our rally come along

A Brave new world will rise from the ashes
And there upon a rock titanic
I'll cast a giant shadow on the face of the deep
And never again will they dare to call me
A freckled, spotty, specky, four eyed, weedy, little creep

Delusions of grandeur?
No, I just wanna be the BOSS.

I wanna be a boss
I wanna be a big boss
I wanna boss the world around
I wanna be the biggest boss
That ever bossed the world around

I wanna do it right
I wanna do it right away
I wanna do it right now
I wanna do it right away
I wanna do it nowMessage was edited by:
Bob Stump

Level 6
The CUP IS gone

Level 6
As I see Alex approaching on his Big Wheels, Alas,

..........My cup runneth over