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My future in Veritas

Level 5
hi everyone

im venkatesh im very much new to veritas,im a System Analyst im remotely assisting backup for clients from india

i would like to know wt r my opportunities if i continue my work in veritas,

wt r the differnt positions (designations ) i can get as i continue in veritas

as of nw i dont find any difficulties working on veritas wt may b my future difficulties

n plz tel me abt VCP(veritas certification) How important is this certification to me ( anyone )

right now im just monitering the backup jobs later on i wil b involved in incident, change management n so on....

thanks in advance to everyone

Level 5
im not understanding y am i not gettng replys......

was my question not good

i think this would help everyone who are n wil b new to veritas......Message was edited by:
venkatesh k

Level 6
Yr nt getin replies becus, of the wy yr askin dem.


Do research on google for all your answers.

"Your Future in Veritas"? Can only be answered by you.

P.S. In the future, if you want to ask a question don't write as if your talking to kids on a instant messenger interface.


Level 6
Good point by James here.

Proper communication skills are a KEY element of the Professionalism that most employers look for.

I sure hope your resume isn't written in TXT ...

Level 4
Venkatesh, as far as 'is there's a future for Veritas Netbackup?'...yes! Having a VCP is nice, but in reality doesn't mean anything unless you have years of experience behind it, in a large corporate environment backing up various flavors of OS/Databases/mail, etc... Knowing how to troubleshoot and what to troubleshoot is very important. A strong understanding of how SAN relates to Netbackup, SSO, etc. Knowing what info you will need to architect an environment. Looking at the bigger picture.

Your statement that you don't find any difficulties working with Veritas, leads me to believe that you have very little, to no experience with it. Usually people who make comments like that have a single Windows box as master, backing up less than 30 windows clients with a 2 week retention.

Stay the course...

Level 5
thanks Ade for the info... n to everyone

Level 6
Dang, Venkatesh is taking a beating here.

There is certainly opportunity for one who has a clear understanding of Netbackup and related product lines. What I find is that even those who know the product well still have many questions... That is because netbackup has so many components that go beyond 'just backups.' Typically one who has a solid foundation in backups will likely do well in or move onto Storage related jobs; for those require similar skillsets, I feel. Having a VCP is nice, but isn't a determining factor of getting a job. Having requisite experience is key. Which is where I've been lucky...

Also, when on these forums, please take care in writing thoughtful sentences/posts. While I realize not everyone speaks English as their primary language it is the language we use to communicate ideas to one another here; just do your best with it and put forth the effort and others will see that. So try to avoid acronymic language when asking your questions, unless it is commonly used for types of hardware/software. So I, for one, have posted a lot of bile on these forums. I try not to, but I am guilty no less... I think James Dunn left a burning bag of cat dung in front of my office last week... but I digress.

I hope this has been helpful to you in some manner.

Level 6
The best way to learn Netbackup is to simply get into as many different environments as possible. Change jobs frequently. Always look for the bigger, more diverse challenges. Also, there is a lot of money to be made in the consulting arena mostly because few people want to travel. However, that is where you can get the most exposure to a variety of Netbackup environments. Don't be afraid to read the manuals, release guides, technotes and the MP README files.

Level 5
thanks alex n thanks bob

after the replys i got from u all i feel much comfortable now.... thanks for the guidelines


Level 5
sorry james,

since i was very much new to veritas i thought the forum would help me... im also digging info on google....

i posted this question onto forum just because i would get the answer from experienced people..... (not just a plain text results as on google)


Level 4
James, David, and Ade pretty much hit it on the button.

I myself am planning on getting some kind of Veritas certification.

But the experience of not only putting out day-to-day Veritas-related fires and being involved in designing and upgrading your company's storage pipeline plays a HUGE part in deciding how to go forward in this industry.

Level 6
Dude your just being lazy!

99% of all your answers for any IT question will be on the internet, you better start learning how to research, or you will never have a furture in any IT department.

I'm sure there are many more Bangaleseser's out there to take your job!.

Level 6
that's right. VCP is good but it's not a big help if you don't have experience.

Level 6
I think James needs a hug...


Level 6
James made some good points. If you are concerned about your future in IT and specifically storage then you must always present yourself in the best light possible. Customers are not going to spend their 100's of thousands of dollars for a solution if the proposal is not written up in a professional manner. They will not think you are competent to be involved in projects if you can not express yourself in both orally and in written forms.

Research is imperative in any solution. A good carpenter knows his tools. This forum is an excellent tool. Please consider searching this forum for previous threads that may answer your question before posting. A good VCP knows his search engines including google, veritas knowledge base, etc.

James was simply disciplining with a swat on the behind instead of a candy bar in the mouth. Differing parental skills...

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Bob Stump

Level 6

"James was simply disciplining with a swat on the behind instead of a candy bar in the mouth. Differing parental skills..."

Nicely said!

I knew that if I responded to this question, that I would get some heat and NO points, sometimes you have to stand up and I did.

I will be the first person to answer a legitimate Netbackup forum question, but no hand holding!

Look, If you show me that you want to learn then I will teach, but if you don't then your basically left out in the cold.

Venkatesh do you celebrate thanksgiving in India?


Level 3
Hi All,

I strongly disagree with some of the guys who replied for the question "My future in Veritas" as because these replies were very much discouraging.

A technical user who is going to start his career in VERITAS Netbackup I think there is nothing wrong to know his future about the technology in which he is going to work/working.

Its very disgusting to see such comments from experienced guys who also new when they started career initially. In fact you should have encouraged with proper suggestions/advises rather than pointing out the English grammatical mistakes which is not very important for a technical user to express doubts in technologies

I feel this question is put into correct forum as because Experienced Netbackup professionals who can really share their experiences as well as suggestions read this

James Dunn ,

Searching in Google is not a big issue but getting exact answers for questions and personal doubts is difficult in which Google may fail to answer some queries for example take this question.

Alex Vasquez/David Parker,

I do agree with you people that English is essential for proper communication as far as I concern for a technical users not very much necessary to raise technical question and understanding replies.


Don?t disappoint with those replies
As per my observation I also changed my career from system administrator to Backup administrator even I got the same question in my mind two months back.

I suggest you that concentrate on VCP and read netbackup documentation which you can find in .I'm happy to see that you tried to read VERITAS forums and posted a query this would be a good start reading forums to learn more about environmental issues and helps you in troubleshooting critical problems .

As some one replied this is not just a backup it?s a part of enterprise level support for a organization
By acquiring skills in addition to backup in SAN,Storage EMC would help you to stand on top.
Last but not the least Shell Scripting is also more important which makes your job more easy I will suggest develop your scripting skills(perl)

Soon I will post all my colleted URLS about netbackup includes forums and documentation sites

Enjoy your dasy


Level 6
I think that is what Bob said, only he was a bit more tactful.

Would love to see the links.

To sum it up anything you can do to increase your knowledge base will help. I personally am a whore. I read technotes, the manual, this forum, other forums, man pages, cert study guides, release notes. Plus collect urls.

Level 5
first of all thanks alot to u Lakshmikanth..........

good to find some posotive ansewrs for my question, and thanks for your encourgement.....
im waiting for all those URL's that u collected this would definately help me alot i wil also go through backups in SAN n EMC i think your URL's would be good for me to begin...

