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NBU 6.5.2 Windows 2003 Master / backup jobs hang for Windows 2003 client

Level 4
Over the past month or so backup jobs continue to hang for a particular client which usually result to manually canceling the job. The Job ID logs indicate the following:
8/24/2009 18:00:21.435 V-116-215 [BaseJob::run] jobid=62500 submitted to nbjm for processing
8/24/2009 18:00:21.435 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=1(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.435 [BackupJob::extractResourceAttributes] (021C34F0) media server version=654000(BackupJob.cpp:1088)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.435 [BackupJob::extractResourceAttributes] (021C34F0) allow multiple retention per media(BackupJob.cpp:1106)8/24/2009 18:00:21.435 [BackupJob::extractResourceAttributes] (021C34F0) no FAT pipe allocated(BackupJob.cpp:1185)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [BackupJob::processProxyResponse] (021C34F0) Done: get configuration info (CONFIG END), Next: start job, jobid=62500, proxyStatus=0(BackupJob.cpp:3317)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=1(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [BackupJob::processProxyResponse] (021C34F0) received configuration info(BackupJob.cpp:3329)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=1(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [BackupJob::determineProtocol] (021C34F0) deteremine MPX protocol to use(BackupJob.cpp:3171)
8/24/2009 18:00:21.451 [BackupJob::determineProtocol] (021C34F0) using MPX protocol(BackupJob.cpp:3177)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.451 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=3(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.451 [BackupJob::birthtimeArrived] (021C34F0) birth time has arrived(BackupJob.cpp:1633)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.607 [BackupJob::processProxyResponse] (021C34F0) Done: create/increment resume image, Next:start BPBRM, jobid=62500, proxyStatus=0(BackupJob.cpp:3343)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.607 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=3(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.623 [BackupJob::startThrottle] (021C34F0) throttling not configured(BackupJob.cpp:2949)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.623 [BackupJob::joinMpxGroup] (021C34F0) join mpx group, mpxid={96A9DA63-7B3B-462E-B3B7-5B4B751A14A0}, mpx required=true(BackupJob.cpp:1932)8/24/2009 18:01:06.623 [BackupJob::getFirstActiveCopyNum] (021C34F0) active copy#=0(BackupJob.cpp:3137)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.623 [BackupJob::setMediaUnloadDelay] (021C34F0) not a catalog or a user backup(BackupJob.cpp:2886)
8/24/2009 18:01:06.623 [Info] V-117-122 started backup job for client dep-tcshared, policy trenton_sharedcluster_4, schedule INC on storage unit dep-netback-hcart3-robot-tld-08/25/2009 00:00:00.002 V-116-223 [RecoverableJob::run_OUT_OF_WINDOW] jobid=62500 has fallen outside of its window, will attempt to cancel if still queued8/25/2009 00:00:00.002 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/25/2009 00:00:00.002 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/25/2009 00:00:00.002 V-117-223 [BackupJob::cancelJob] cannot terminate job, out of window and job is active
8/25/2009 00:00:00.018 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/25/2009 00:00:00.018 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/25/2009 00:00:00.018 V-117-223 [BackupJob::cancelJob] cannot terminate job, out of window and job is active
8/27/2009 13:05:50.645 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:05:50.645 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=4(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:05:54.223 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=7(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:05:54.223 [BackupJob::cancelJob] (021C34F0) job is already terminating(BackupJob.cpp:459)
8/27/2009 13:05:56.723 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=7(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:05:56.723 [BackupJob::cancelJob] (021C34F0) job is already terminating(BackupJob.cpp:459)
8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 V-116-216 [RecoverableJob::doJobCompletion] jobid=62500 completed with status 150
8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=7(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 [JobInstance::state] (021C34F0) state=7(JobInstance.cpp:315)
8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 [BackupJob::sendNotifications] (021C34F0) disable resume=false, brm started=true(BackupJob.cpp:2055)8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 V-117-239 [BackupJob::terminateThisJob] terminated job, jobid=62500, status=150
8/27/2009 13:06:00.130 [BackupJob::~BackupJob] (dump Backup Job):

I am not sure what would be causing such a delay with the backup job, ince it does not stop with a Status code. Any suggestions to determine the cause of this issue would be appreciated.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You will have to troubleshoot on the client itself. What's in the bpbkar log?
What happens if you copy data between client and media server without NetBackup?

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You will have to troubleshoot on the client itself. What's in the bpbkar log?
What happens if you copy data between client and media server without NetBackup?