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NBU Temp files fill up the C:\ Drive

Not applicable
I have a question that some of you may know the answer to.  I have searched this forum, but can't find anything that looks similar.  Here's my issue:
I am running Netbackup 6.0 with MP4 on a Windows 2003 Standard edition box. I have a policy setup so that it backs up multiple servers with only an E:\ drive, and I have Multiple data streams enabled.  It seems here lately that several of the servers have been running out of space because of the temp files "NBU" that get created and reside on the C:\ drive.  Is there anyway that I can edit this configuration so that the NBU temp directory and files don't automatically get created on the C:\ drives?
Any help would greatly be appreciated...

Level 3
i assume your talking about the .VSP files that netbackup creates when starts a backup either that or your logging is set to night.

for .VSP you need to have the master not use Open File backups or accomodate the space for these files. Alternatively you can install NBU on a different drive with more space.

If its the log files creating the issue you need to turn the verbosity down to 0 its likley set very high

Level 6
If you go to the properties of the client in NetBackup you can change the VSP cache size to a smaller file size (default 30GB).  NetBackup uses this file to help with trying to backup open files.  You can also set the backup to continue without VSP on failure (by default, the backup will fail if it fails with VSP)