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NIC Teaming / Status 84

Level 6
For the past few days I have been getting random Status 84 errors. I opened a case with Symantec and the engineer I was dealing with told me that Netbackup can have a problem if the Master and Media servers have NIC teaming in place. He said that there was an "interal use only" Symantec document, and would have to ask for authorisation before he could send me details. So far the engineer has been reluctant to pass on these details. Does anyone know or had problems with Netbackup and teaming?
My environment is Windows with Netbackup 5.0 - the master and media server have Broadcom teaming and our Cisco 6500 series core switch has teaming in place for both servers.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
PS. I have gone through the usual status 84 troubleshooting / logs and turned up nothing. Which is why I want to discount the teaming issue. The engineer told me that environment's read / write buffer settings are OK.

Level 6
I got quite a few hits on Google with:
NIC teaming NetBackup
There was even a white paper.
Check them out.

Level 6
Did he have you run the SAS tool at all?
That seems to be very useful in terms of identifying network issues between servers ...