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NOOB question... VMware backups w NBD

Level 3

Totally new to netbackup, coming from the VMware side of the house... 


I've been reviewing best practices regarding maximizing throughput, minimizing vm snapshot size. Trying to report on how we are currently doing from an optimization standpoint.

I can't find the answer to a very simple question and there seems to be no trace in the netbackup job neither...


Which ESXi host will be picked for a specific backup? Is it as simple as the host that currently has the VM registered? Is there more into it as an algorythm  based on max job per esx host and datastore.


If somebody could provide more detail would be extremely greatfull


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



I think it as you say, remember NBU will ask vCenter for the snapshot and where it is. It then sets up the connection to that ESX and performs the backup. What you really should be looking at is SAN transport if you want to optimise.

Level 5

It'll be whatever ESX host the VM is currently residing on.