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Level 3

The documentation says if you haven't upgraded to 7.5 yet - wait for  Does anyone know when that will be available?


Level 3

Sorry, I didn't think what I said was 'negativity' - I'll try to do better next time.

Level 3

I marked down the people who weren't helpful (instead of answering the question or saying you didn't know, you redirected the issue to asking where the docs said that I should wait for and then if it applied to me or not).  I sincerely thought that was the way to say your answer wasn't helpful. At the time there were 11 replies and it said two of them were helpful. No one that had responded had given any answer that was helpful - how should I have noted that?

Level 6

the vast majority of the posts had been given a no which, as they weren't actually unhelpful nor unrelated to the original question, came across as 'negative' to me (any post that got a vote down also used to attract -1 points which made me more aware of them!)

Level 6

As I read it (them) they were seeking clarity (as Marianne states, she deals with a lot of clients, so to have a statement "The documentation says if you haven't upgraded to 7.5 yet - wait for" could be a little disconcerting to say the least) .... to me an unhelpful post would be something that could be construed as patronising or somewhat offensive (e.g. a RTFM type answer) or totally inappropriate to the question at hand. Personally I would be more likely to vote up a helpful or interesting post & leave any others unless they were *really* inappropriate.

See my earlier post above - I think it stemmed from the fact that a vote down *did* have an obvious consequence some time ago, so apologies from an old geezer that's been round the block a few times if my even earlier post 'set the cat amongst the pigeons' as it were.

Level 3

Thank you Andy. I can see what you are saying from Marianne's point of view.

But "patronising or somewhat offensive (e.g. a RTFM type answer) or totally inappropriate to the question at hand" is exactly how I took her answer - as in I didn't know what I had read and had to prove it to everyone before they could go on.  Especially since no one knew the answer anyway.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Sincere apologies if my posts were perceived as patronising...

My concern was genuine as Symantec reseller/partner who has been 'over the moon' with in-house testing of 7.5 with Accellerator enabled and have been encouraging customers to upgrade.

I have honestly not seen the 'wait for' TN and really needed to know where this was documented and why.... 
As you can see from initial responses, not even Symantec employees knew about that one...
Obviously I have not been reading LBN TNs. blush

So yes, after I have read the TN, my perception was that 'wait for' was for one specific condition and not 'blanket' recommendation to wait....(as seemed to be the case reading your opening post).

Please accept my humble apologies...

Level 3

Thank you Marianne - apologies accepted.  I'm sorry I was so myoptic in how I read the answers, too. I didn't consider that all the rest of you would be thinking about how my statement impacted what you were doing and I'm sorry about that.  I need to visit this forum more often and see how it works before I jump to conclusions like I did.


And I see has been released now so I've got the answer I was looking for. :)

Level 6

WOWW....solution for very 1st comment surprise