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NetBackup 7.7.1 Java GUI: get rid of text window?

Level 5

I had thought that in the new version of the java GUI that the black text window was going away...? Or is there a switch somewhere I need to flip?

Apologies if there's a thread about this somewhere that I missed...

Thanks :)


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Somehow it has never bothered me. I have even in the past found helpful info in this text window while troubleshooting connectivity issue across vpn.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi Spitman,

It bothered me a lot as I used it frequently to understand what process is going on and if GUI is slugish or not responding I would look there for any execeptions or error.

Anyway they removed it and I can see a change. Now instead of using java.exe they have come up with javaw.exe which has a different behaviour where it does not make a direct use of nbjava.bat file as in previous version.

To conclude there is no switch I could find in nbjava.bat or setconfig.bat which can allow me to let it open the black window. Also being an executable fine I cannot open the javaw.exe to understand its behaviour. 

They have completely changed it as I mentioned ealier.

Level 5

@Marianne - It's not hurting anything... I was just curious, since I remember others talking about it in the customer forum...

@SymGuy - I am actually running nbjava.bat directly to launch the GUI...?  I don't see a javaw.exe file at all...

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

It runs the nbjava.bat but it then in turn runs javaw.exe. You can check it in task manager. 

start "" "%JREPATH%\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms%INITIAL_MEMORY% -Xmx%MAX_MEMORY% -Djava.library.path="%JAVALIBPATH%" %D_FILE_ENCODING% -Dvrtsat.home="%NBU_EAT_HOME_DIR%" -Dvrts.NBJAVA_CONF="%NBJDIR%"\\nbjconf -Dvrts.nbe.INST_REL=%INSTALLED_RELEASE% -Dvrts.nbe.BUILDNO=%BUILDNUMBER% -Dvrtsat.datadir="%EAT_DATA_DIR%" -Dvrts.nbe.LOG_FILE="%logFile%" -Djava.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory=vrts.common.launch.PropertiesPreferencesFactory -classpath %NBUCLASSPATH%;%THIRDPARTYCLASSPATH1%;%THIRDPARTYCLASSPATH2%;%CORBACLASSPATH% vrts.nbe.AdminConsole


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You can also check the contents of nbjava.bat in both versions. Its very different.

This is how the nbjava.bat is in version 7.6.

An excerpt.

"%NBJDIR%\jre\bin\java.exe" -showversion -Xms%INITIAL_MEMORY% -Xmx%MAX_MEMORY% -Djava.library.path="%JAVALIBPATH%" %D_FILE_ENCODING% -Dvrtsat.home="%NBU_EAT_HOME_DIR%" -Dvrts.NBJAVA_CONF="%NBJDIR%"\\nbjconf -Dvrts.nbe.INST_REL=%INSTALLED_RELEASE% -Dvrts.nbe.BUILDNO=%BUILDNUMBER% -Dvrtsat.datadir="%EAT_DATA_DIR%" -Djava.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory=vrts.common.launch.PropertiesPreferencesFactory -classpath %NBUCLASSPATH%;%THIRDPARTYCLASSPATH1%;%THIRDPARTYCLASSPATH2%;%CORBACLASSPATH% vrts.nbe.AdminConsole