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Netbackup encounters error 40 when backing up > 1.5 mil files in client mountpoint

Level 3


my master is AIX media is windows  and client is AIX  and NBU version is


We have a media server that backs up > 1.5 mil files in the client mountpoint.
We encounter a netbackup error 40 when the number of files hit above a certain threshold, around 1.6 mil files.
We have recently upgraded out netbackup master server from 6.5.4 to a few months back.

Previously, before the upgrade, we are able to backup ~1.8 mil files before we hit the error.

1) What causes the netbackup error 40 ?
2) Why does the problem occur when there are lesser files in the mountpoint when the master server is at nbu as compared to nbu 6.5.4.


waiting for the  your  valuable responce


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

bperror -S 40
network connection broken
The connection between the client and the server was broken. This status code can also appear if the connection is broken between the master and the media server during a backup.


Have a look at this TN and see if you have a similar problem with large amount of files in a single folder :

Another suggestion: Please have a look at sub-folders on the client mountpoint and see if file list can be divided into smaller sets. Backup Selection can be something like this:


Level 3

Hi  can u give us idea with some steps  how to resolve the issue

please i am waitng for your valuable reply .................................

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

PLEASE have a look at TN posted above:

Then apply to your situation:

Check bpbrm log on media server (see TN) to see if you have similar errors.

Check bpbkar log on your client (see TN) to try and pinpoint problematic folder(s)

Use  bpbkar -nocont  <folder> to investigate the issue further (see TN).

See 'Resolution:'  section of TN to see if problematic folder can be cleaned up.


My other suggestion with regards to NEW_STREAM use in Backup Selection depends on physical layout of filesystem. Work with the server owner to see if this is possible. See NBU Admin Guide for UNIX and Linux, Volume I for information on NEW_STREAM usage...

Level 3

thanks of your valuable responce i will do and update shortly  thanks again