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No Barcode Labels

Level 4
I have Netbackup 5.1 on Windows 2003.
I don't have new barcode labels for tapes, they will arrive in a few days.
Meanwhile I would like to make a backup on tapes without barcode label
- After import tapes into library they are labeled by Netbackup as A00000, A00001, etc. but when I run the backup, it fails due error 96.
- Tapes were moved to the correct pool "ServersFull"
- Barcode Rules are enabled.
What could be happening? any idea?

Message Edited by sr69 on 07-25-200701:05 PM


Level 6
Hi, are the tapes under the Scratch pool or the Netbackup pool? 

Level 3
What is the make and modle of your tape library?  Can you configure one of the tape drives in the library to be a stand-alone drive and manually inject the tape.  Seems to me even though you have internally labled the tape, the library barcode reader is still looking for that barcode and will never find it.  Are the tapes you injected in the Netbackup or Scratch pools?  I think even if you placed one of those tapes in either pool, you will still get an error unless you configure a drive as a non robotic drive.

Level 4
No I assigned manually to a Pool called "ServersFull", since it is the pool used by the policy.
I also noticed that all tapes are freezed:
"Freezing media ID A00000 it is unmountable and cannot be used for backups"
but Tapes are new, if I unfreeze them, tapes are frozen again.

Level 6
Because there is no barcode the library will not know if a tape is in the slot or not, even I will not identify the media that NBU wants to mount, so you must do this manualy mount the correct media in to the drive, then NBU will know it haves an available media, but like Todd says you will need to configure a drive has a stand-alone drive.

Level 3
Your media may be getting froze because of the lack of a barcode lable.  Do the tapes ever get loaded into a drive before becoming froze?  How is the libarary selecting which tape to load if there is no lables?  Try configuring one of the drives as a non-robotic drive and inject the tape manually.  I am not sure, but think that if the internal barcode on the tape does not match the external barcode, the media would get frozen. 

Level 4
Thanks all for your comments
Library is a Sun/Storagetek L700 with 4 SDLT Drives.
Just to confirm to change a Drive to stand alone:
In Devices --> Hosts --> All drives (Right Panel)
Select drive --> Change and unselect Drive is in a Robotic Library
I'm operating the netbackup remotely, so I don't have physical access to library.
When drive be changed  what will happend?, I will need that library operator insert manually the tape?

Level 3
Yep, have the operater open the door and inject the tape.  If you have the Horizon utility you can see which drive he injected the tape and then make that your stand-alone drive. 

Level 6
You can use robtest utilitly:
1. execut robtest
2. choose the robort, usually option 1
3. type "m p1 d1"
the above move the media from slot 1 of media access port to drive 1 (ask your operator to load tape into the 1st slot of the MAP).
4type "s d"
the above show the status of drives (it should that media is loaded)
I suggest you load only 1 or 2 test tapes to do your testing until your label arrive as NB writes a internal media ID onto tape and when your barcode label is different from the written one, you may encounter media freezing again if the backup images done during this testing period is not expire.

Level 5
You could rename the media to match the label.  I believe the command is bplabel under netbackup/bin/admincmd.

Level 6
Yes, bplabel is one of the method that does the job. However as the tape doesn't has any barcode label, it would be troublesome to mount the tape manually and bplabel it (just my $0.02 worth of caution).
Smiley Happy