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Oops I accidently scrached tapes and want them back

Level 4
BE 6.0 mp5
Somehow my colleage put tapes into the scratch pool and I need them back.  They haven't been overwritten.  I just moved them back to the cummulative pool.  If I need to restore from them, what else do I need to do?
Thanks so much for your sage advice. 

Level 6
What process was done to move the media to Scratch_Pool?  Where images expired and then sent to scratch pool?  If so, you may need to do an import of the image in order to do a restore.  You may want to consider reseting the retention period of the images on the media before another backup grabs the tape and overwrites the images.

Level 4
He used the bpexpdate -d 0 -ev (media ID) command.

Level 6
Going to need to go into the catalog and do a search on the media ID to list the images on the tape, I am not sure in this case if you will have to do an import to adjust the images retention time or not.  Might be something to try before going through a full import.

Level 4
Specifically do I do a verify, pick the media id make the date range include the dates of backup?  I believe the primary copy is still on disk and the copy on the tapes is a secondary copy, so do I need to change that too?

Level 6
With the information you provided you are on the right track
Action: verify
Media ID: xxxxxx (whatever the id is)
Date/time range: set
Copies: Copy 1, 2 ....(may need to mess with this setting a little if you not sure which copy is on the media)
Should be able to do a search and get the data you expect to see.  Once you do this and the information comes up, right click on the image and see if you can change the retention period...might need to do it from the action menu at the top, but see what you can accomplish.  If you can't then you might go ahead and do an import and change the retention period.

Level 4
Thanks for all your advice.  I will try it.

Level 6

@Casey King wrote:
Going to need to go into the catalog and do a search on the media ID to list the images on the tape, I am not sure in this case if you will have to do an import to adjust the images retention time or not.  Might be something to try before going through a full import. 

When the volume was expired with 'bpexpdate -d 0', the images (or at least the fragments of images on that volume) would have been deleted.  I don't think looking in the catalog is going to be useful.  A full import is almost certainly necessary.


Level 6
I am going to take your word on this one.  I think she is going to do an import and then change the retention settings on her image.  Probably should have taken more time to check that before responding to her, but am in the middle of oracle dbase backup issues that need to be resolved and dba is being no help.  Next time, will focus more on the issue I am responding to

Level 6
The easiest way is to restore the old catalog, other way you will need to import each media and if where a lot it is a hard job to do.

Level 6
I would import the tapes. clean and less chance of missing a fragment or image.