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Problem creating shared resource tree

Level 3

Hi everyone,


I have this configuration:


Veritas netbackup server software installed on proliant with Windows server 2003.

Bare metal restore software installed on server of course.

Veritas netbackup client software installed on windows and solaris based sistems.


I have configured all for restoring windows client (S.O win XP SP 3) with BMR so I have installed the boot server, the shared resources tree, I have created the policy with flag for collecting BMR info for restore and so on. All operations were done on server of course.

I tried to restore my client and its works.

Now I want to do the same for unix clients, and there is a problem: 


How I can create shared resource tree for solaris based sistems from a windows based server?


From manual BMR administration guide I found procedure for create SRT for solaris systems starting from a Veritas NB server software installed on Unix sistem. I only have server license for windows based system.


Is it possible restore unix based client with BMR starting from Windows server?


Could anyone help me please?




Level 5

How I can create shared resource tree for solaris based sistems from a windows based server?


For a Solaris SRT, you need a Solaris Boot Server.

A BMR Boot Server is a different entity from a NBU Master Server or the BMR Master Server (Although all can exist on teh same system, as probably is your windows BMR Boot Server)

Which version are you using?

I guess it is 6.5 or above?

If yes, then this statement is void:

>>I only have server license for windows based system.

For the BMR Boot Server, you dont need the server license.

The BMR Boot Server can go on any system that has NBU client installed.

So, if you have multiple Solaris machines that are currently being backed up by BMR, you can try the BMR Boot Server on one of them. once it works, you can set up a BMR Boot Server as and when required for a restore, its not mandatory to have it running always.


Let me know if this helps.


Level 3

Thanks amol,


My version of netbackup is 6.5.

Now i'm going to install boot server on a unix client.


I'll let you know if it works.



Level 3

Well,I have installed boot server on my unix machine.

Now, following the BMR admin guide I'm trying to create an SRT for Solaris.

When the program asks:


Enter a [hostname:/]pathname containing a suitable Solaris 5.9
Boot CDROM or SRT image [/cdrom/cdrom0/s0] :


I put installation CD of solaris 9 into cdrom, I can see that cdrom is mounted but I have an error message:


Found invalid CDROM image: Need valid /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/[s0/]Solaris_9
Enter a [hostname:/]pathname containing a suitable Solaris 5.9
Boot CDROM or SRT image [/cdrom/cdrom0/s0] :


What does the software need? Bootable installation cdrom of Solaris 9 or an image of this cd?


Level 5

Hi Bonovox,


I think it works both with a CD and with an image of the cd.

Wht is going wrong here is probably the path.

Try giving path up to the "Product" directory wrt to the CD-ROM path.

For e.g.: if my cd is mounted at /cdrom I think I would have to give path something like:





Level 3

Hi Amol ,


I too am facing the same problem with Solaris 9 CD...


Enter a [hostname:/]pathname containing a suitable Solaris 5.9
Boot CDROM or SRT image [/cdrom/Solaris_9/Misc] : /cdrom/Solaris_9/Product
Found invalid CDROM image: Need valid /cdrom/Solaris_9/Product/[s0/]Solaris_9



I tried giving the path as specified but still the problem persists and i`m not able to proceed with the SRT creation.

Please let me know what is to be done.





Level 5


Oops my bad, looks like one can skip the Solaris_<n>/Product part in the path name.

On my setup, I've been using CD dumps to create the SRT.

This is how the srt creation proceeds on my system:


Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 1
Enter the name of the SRT to create : test_srt
Enter the description of the new SRT : test srt sol 9
Enter desired level of Solaris/SunOS (8/5.8, 9/5.9 or 10/5.10) [5.10] : 9
Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT [/export/srt] :
Enter a [hostname:/]pathname containing a suitable Solaris 5.9
Boot CDROM or SRT image [/cdrom/cdrom0/s0] :/NFSVOL01/SOL/OS/9_803/s0            

This step may take considerable time. Please wait...
Preparing boot files - please stand by...


Just for your reference, these are the contents of the dump folder whose path I am providing:

# ls -l /NFSVOL01/SOL/OS/9_803/s0
total 14
-r--r--r--   1 root     root        7062 Jun  2  2003 Copyright
drwxr-xr-x   7 root     root          96 Jun 13  2003 Solaris_9

So if your CD is mounted at /cdrom, try /cdrom or the path that leds to the slice 0 on your CDROM.



Level 3

Hi everyone,


I solved using Solaris software cd part 1.

For creating SRT I needed to install boot server on unix. 

Level 3

Hi Amol,


I too have the Solaris 9 cd ..but the thing is there seems to be some difference in the location of the boot file.

The details are down.





Boot -> ../../../s1



Because of this it is not booting the Solaris 9 CD.

(There seems to be no issues while installing Solaris 8 and Solaris 10).


Could you possibly give me the dumps for Solaris 9 installation??









Level 5

Hi Spaniard,

In your case, try giving path only up to /cdrom.

That might work.

And sorry, cant share OS dumps.

