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Question regarding job detal and the media server.

Level 3
I know this is probably a dumb question, but as the saying goes, "There are no dumb questions, just dumb people (aka me)".  

When looking at a job in the "Detailed Status" tab and in the "Media server: " field it has a listing like media server -> another media server ; what exactly does that mean?

I don't have a media server override for either of the media servers and the job is for an SLP duplication.

Any ideas?

Level 6
as its a 'duplication' is it anything to do with the media server for the Storage Unit for the original copy then duplicating to (->) the media server for the Storage Unit for the duplication?

e.g. original copy to tape STU 'owned' by mediaserver1, duplication to disk STU 'owned' by mediaserver2
hence mediaserver1 -> mediaserver2

Only guessing as can't find any docs to confirm one way or t'other & don't use SLPs.

Level 3
Good point ... I didn't set this up, but it looks like the STUG that is used for backups is set to use the "Media Server Load Balancing" option and the STUG that is used for the duplication uses the "Round Robin" option (basically the SLP uses these two STUGs to do the backup/dupe).

I suppose this would only work (work is a relative term I guess, the duplication is working, but going over the ethernet network vs. going over the SAN) if the backup happened to be on the same media server that was used in the round robin.  Or heck, maybe this can't work at all. :)

Ah well.  Back to the drawing board. Maybe a support call too.

Level 6

You can always enable and assign an alternate media server under the Duplicate job of the SLP and prevent this, but be sure you have enough drives that can read and write medias on this alternate box.

Level 3
>You can always enable and assign an alternate media server under the Duplicate job of the SLP and prevent this, but be sure you have enough drives that can read and write medias on this alternate box.

Hmm ... I'm not sure how that (pointing the dupe to a single alternate read server) would prevent the data going over the LAN vs. the SAN.  Can you expand a little?  I'm also not 100% sold that this type of SLP config (using STUGs) will even work.

Thanks for the input!